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In the mails below you will not find any private information, only things that concern our common family history research. That’s why I publish them as a whole. Maybe there is somebody who has got some pictures and would like to share them with Ray Ackermans? Then post a message at the contact page, in order to make me send my e-mail address to you.
Subject: | Family history research |
Date: | Feb 19 2017 |
From: | Ray Ackermans |
Dear Sir/Madam,
I’m after any information regarding the marriage of Maria Theresa Eck and Theodoor Ackermans, they were married in the late 1930s and not for very long as Theodoor Ackermans had passed away in the hospital in Kerkrade.
Theodoor Ackermans was my great grandfather and it would be nice to have some information on his marriage to Maria Eck and on their short time that they had together, even copies of photos of them would be nice and copies of their wedding information if you have any.
Look forward to your response, thank you.
Kind regards,
Ray Ackermans.
P.S. apologise for writing in English as my Dutch is not so good anymore.
On 02/22/2017 Arnold Schunck wrote:
Hello Ray Ackermans,
Please go back to my family web site and see that I put more info on your (and my) family on line. Later I will send more info by e-mail as well.
You apologise writing in English, so I suppose you emigrated to an English speaking country a long time ago. May I ask, where to?
Hartelijke groeten,
Arnold Schunck
Dear Mr Schunck,
Yes I live in Australia, my grandparents and parents came out to Australia in the very early 1950s to start a new life. My grandfather’s name was Matthias Ackermans the youngest son of Theodoor Ackermans. The name Theodoor was a popular name in my father’s family, my dad, great grandfather, my great uncle and one of his kids were all called Theodoor. My great grandfather died in St Joseph hospital Kerkrade, he was born in Hoensbroek, moved to Aken, married a local Aken girl, had 3 children all born in Aken, my dad was also born in Aken, then went to Holland in the late 1930s. My great grandfather was a business man who at one time before the war had owned a lot of property. As you know he had passed away just before the war started.
I’m trying to put together my family history on my father’s side but it has been difficult. Do you have any photos of my great grandfather with your relative, Maria Theresa Eck? I have not got 1 photo of my great grandfather so I have no idea of what he looked like, I thought that there might be at least a wedding photo of them, maybe? Do you know where they were married?
I’m happy to answer your questions regarding the family but I am not sure as to how much more I can give you that would be of any interest to you but pease ask.
Anyway I thank you for kindly answering my email, I have been wanting to write to you for a long time regarding the family connection. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.
Kind regards,
Ray Ackermans.
Hello Ray
Theodoor Ackermans was born on Sept. 18th, 1870 in Hoensbroek.
His parents were Jan ACKERMANS & Maria Anna THEUNISSEN.
His first wife was Anna Maria BREUER
His second marriage, with Maria Theresia ECK, who was my mother’s aunt Treza, took place on July 15th, 1936.
He died only a few months later as you wrote above, on Sept. 14th, 1936, in Kerkrade.
For more information, go to https://www.archieven.nl/nl/zoeken?mivast=0&miadt=0&mizig=310&miview=tbl&milang=nl&micols=1&misort=dt%7Casc&mires=0&mip3=Ackermans&mip1=Theodoor
and the results of my research: ../stamboom/schunck_view.php?ID=985
If you should have further questions, please write your e-mail address also in the text field of your next message, because something went wrong and so I don’t have it. I hope you will find this answer.
Cordially, Arnold Schunck
There is a picture in the Centre for Regional History in Heerlen, called “Mr. Ackermans, March 15, 1965” without any further information. Do you know him? http://www.rijckheyt.nl/archief/resultaat?mivast=62&miadt=62&mizig=95&miview=gal1&milang=nl&micols=3&mires=0&mizk_alle=Ackermans
More: archieven.nl
12.051-92 Burgerlijke Stand in Limburg: Kerkrade Huwelijksakte Ackermans, Theodoor en Eck, Maria Theresia, 1936-07-15 Aktedatum: 15-7-1936 Aktenummer: 168 Huwelijksdatum: 15-7-1936 Huwelijksplaats: Kerkrade Bruidegom: Ackermans, Theodoor Bruid: Eck, Maria Theresia Vader bruidegom: Ackermans, Jan Moeder bruidegom: Theunissen, Maria Anna Vader bruid: Eck, Gerard Moeder bruid: Chermin, Maria Helena Opmerkingen: Bruidegom weduwnaar van Anna Maria Breuer Bruid weduwe van Hubert Joseph Luckers Gemeente: Kerkrade Overlijdensakte Theodoor Ackermans, 14-09-1936 Overledene: Theodoor Ackermans Overlijdensdatum: 14-09-1936 Overlijdensplaats: Kerkrade Partner: Anna Maria Breuer Maria Theresia Eck Vader: Jan Ackermans Moeder: Maria Anna Theunissen Getuige: Gerard Lückers Toegangsnummer: 101 Gemeente Kerkrade Inventarisnummer: 5733