The fallen resistance people in Limburg
Ysselsteyn CS-12-2
Gemeentearchief Valkenburg:
The parish priest of Schin op Geul wrote to Mayor Hens of Valkenburg-Houthem on December 10, 1951:
This German soldier was indeed killed in action during the days of the liberation in or near Schin op Geul and later - in any case in the first days after the retreat of the Germans - found by our people in the field north of the railroad line and brought to Schin op Geul and then buried in our village. [1.1]
In a letter from the municipality to the Graves Service of the Ministry of War, he is referred to as a onderofficier (non-commissioned officer), but his grave cross in Ysselsteyn bears the more general designation SOLD. [1.2]
He was married to Margaretha Kleimann. [2]
✠ Unteroffizier
ID 4./M.G./I.E.B. ??6-1386
✞ 1. Algemene begraafplaats Schin op Geul
2. Ysselsteyn 17/09/1954
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