The fallen resistance people in Limburg
Ysselsteyn, NN
Gemeentearchief Valkenburg:
On October 2, 1948, the headquarters of the French occupation army in Berlin (Commandement en chef Français en Allemagne) asked the mayor of “Volkenburg” for information about the Alsatian Oscar Ockenfuss, identification tag -586- II./3.Fl.Rgt.71. [1]
Based on the day on which he died, we can assume that he was killed in action on the Goudsberg.
Details can be found on the website of the Service Historique de la Défense [2] (historical service of the Ministry of Defense). However, there is no mention of a grave or military rank, as he is buried in Ysselsteyn in an unknown grave. There, his first name is spelled in the German way with a K. [3][4]
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