Limburg 1940-1945,
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The fallen resistance people in Limburg
Cammaert wrote: Albert van Ass was a traveling milk seller and pub owner, lived in the hamlet of “De Weerd” near Roermond. His house was an important hub for supporting Allied refugees. [1]
With the help of Tobben and Van Ooijen, the Jews were brought to Mrs. J.M. Pulskens in Tilburg. Miss Van Ooijen was probably at the beginning of the latter contact. Bongaerts’ people soon also accompanied airmen to this Tilburg transit house. Before he went into hiding, Tobben made contact with his cousin J.A.A. van Ass in the hamlet of De Weerd near Roermond. Van Ass’s house was an important transit house for prisoners of war, Jews, airmen and other refugees. Thanks to this new connection, the group from Heerlen came into contact with pilot helpers in the Roermond and Weert regions. [2]
See also the article “De Pilotenhelpsters” (The pilot helpers) [3] on Coba Pulskens and Leonie van Harsse. From p. 32 on, it also mentions the Limburg resistance fighters Harrie Tobben, his wife Jet van Oijen, Albert van Ass and Paul Gulikers as well as the Englandspiel (Englandgame, pdf).
Albert van Ass was also mistakenly included on the list of war victims of the Oorlogsgravenstichting (Dutch war graves foundation), as he only died in 1957. Fortunately, this page has been archived, as it contains many interesting details. [4]
Note: he died in Weert and not in De Weerd, where he lived. [5]
The photo below shows Albert with his milk cans during a flood in the Maas. Source: Foto van de dag, heemkundehorn.nl.