Limburg 1940-1945,
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The fallen resistance people in Limburg
pers.Valkenburg 1940-1945
More complicated need of clothing used to be regulated by the director of the municipal social welfare office, Mr Cornips, with me. He was very competent for this due to his function. It was predominating about suits, clothes, coats etc. for families being hidden as a whole (primarily Jews) and suits and coats for prisoners of war (primarily Frenchmen) and pilots. [4]
The son of this Constant Cornips was Jan Cornips, the secretary of district leader Berix of the L.O. in Heerlen. Because the SiPo Maastricht searched for him but did not find him, Constant was taken away. He was executed on Dolle Dinsdag ( Mad Tuesday) [1] in Kamp Vught.
Vught • Fusilladeplaats • Former execution site • Ancien site d’exécution