Limburg 1940-1945,
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The fallen resistance people in Limburg
pers.Valkenburg 1940-1945
To hide the manipulations by him and his colleagues (Victor Willems and Annie Cremers) in favor of the people in hiding, the distribution office of Valkenburg was robbed with great success. On Valkenburg’s liberation day he became almost a victim of lynch justice, because he had acted as if he was German-friendly.
For the time being, not much is known about Willem, except that he was a driving instructor after the war. In the archives of the Nederlands Beheersinstituut there is a document [1] about him: over hem: 74899 Freysen, W.A.P., Valkenburg. Here the data of his birth of WieWasWie are adopted with reservation, even though there one writes Freijsen and not Freysen [2]. This is perhaps a consequence of the fact, that in handwritten Dutch the y and the ij are very similar [3].On geni.com this Wilhelmus Freijsen is also mentioned, wearing the Resistance Memorial Cross. So that matches. [4]
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