Limburg 1940-1945,
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The fallen resistance people in Limburg
Huub Hamers from Simpelveld was the eldest son of the child-rich entrepreneurial family Hamers-Beckers, who ran a wholesale trade in colonial goods with a warehouse in the Stationsstraat. [1]
He studied at the T.H. Delft (today Delft University of Technology). In May 1943, he was sent to Germany for forced labor because he had refused to sign the declaration of loyalty for students. On September 1, he ran away and went underground.
He used the company van to transport people in hiding, but also escaped prisoners of war or stranded pilots to their hiding addresses. He had hidden banned newspapers and a firearm in the company’s warehouse. His fellow student Jean Beaumont from Maastricht was also hiding there, and a Jewish boy stayed there for a while as well. Huub was up to his neck in the resistance. [1]
At the beginning of July, he became head of sub-district 3 (Simpelveld, Eys, Wittem, Bocholtz) of the L.O. district of Gulpen. [2]
Cammaert also wrote: Hamers brought people in hiding to their destination in a truck belonging to his father’s company. [2]
He was arrested as a result of the Klap van Wittem (Slap of Wittem) on July 21, 1944.
See also De pilotenlijn The pilot line. Excerpt from “Bericht aan Hare Majesteit”, Rosalie Sprooten. [3]
Mentioned on the memorial plaque in the Delft University of Technology. [4]
Gedenkboek van het verzet der Delftsche studenten en docenten gedurende de jaren 1940-1945 (Commemorative book about the resistance of students and teachers in Delft in the years 1940-1945). [5]
Hubert Joseph Dyonisius ( Huub ) Hamers is listed in the Erelijst 1940-1945 (Honor Roll of the Dutch Parliament). [5]