Oscar Wolters (Oscar Wilhelmus Laurentius)
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Oscar Wilhelmus Laurentius Wolters is listed in the Resistance Memorial on the
right wall, row 30 #03

War Memorial in Aachen-Eilendorf

Limburg 1940-1945,
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The fallen resistance people in Limburg


Oscar Wolters
(Oscar Wilhelmus Laurentius)

 20-12-1914 Venlo      05-09-1944 Vught (29)
- Students - Pilots’ helpers - Intelligence - Venlo -


    The medical student Oscar Wolters was participant in the resistance under the pseudonyms Doctor O. de Blécourt when he had to examine people and Otto Weber as a truck driver when he had to drive for the resistance. [1]
    According to the Camp Vught National Memorial, he was known as an intelligent, astute observer who reacts quickly and decisively [2.1]
    He was a member of the student resistance and refused to sign the declaration of loyalty. That was the end of his studies. Joined the organization Luctor et Emergo [3] (later called Fiat Libertas), which was involved in helping downed pilots escape. Collected intelligence for the Allies in the Geheime Dienst Nederland (G.D.N. = Secret Service Netherlands). [4]
    In the summer of 1944, Oscar leaves Amsterdam on behalf of the Dutch secret service - together with Hans Voskuil - with microfilms about the construction of the new German V2 weapon. Via Belgium and Switzerland, the films should eventually reach England. What they don’t know is that the group has been infiltrated since late 1943. Oscar and Hans are betrayed and arrested in Brussels. Oscar is transferred to the police and remand prison in Haaren, North Brabant, on suspicion of espionage. [2.1]
    He met his end in the Herzogenbusch concentration camp. [5]
    On September 5, 1944 - Dolle Dinsdag or Mad Tuesday [6.1] - Oscar was executed early in the morning at six-thirty at the execution site near the camp. As Allied troops approached, numerous boys and men were executed on September 5 and 6, 1944. Thousands of other prisoners of the Vught camp were hastily transported to Germany on these days. [2.1]
    These executions were under the direction of Erich Deppner and are therefore referred to as the Deppner executions. [6.2]
    The victims of this concentration camp were cremated in his own crematorium. His final resting place is therefore in the ash pits behind the crematorium of the Herzogenbusch concentration camp. [2.3]
    More about the intelligence services during the war in the province of Limburg in Het Verborgen Front. [7]
    Oscar Wilhelmus Laurentius ( Oscar ) Wolters is listed in the Erelijst 1940-1945 (Honor Roll of the Dutch Parliament). [10]

    Vught • FusilladeplaatsFormer execution siteAncien site d’exécution


    1. historie.venlo.nl Oscar Wolters
    2. Nationaal Monument Kamp Vught
      1. Oscar Wolters
      2. Website • NederlandsDeutschEnglishFrançais
      3. Asputten Kamp Vught
    3. 1. Luctor et Emergo
      2. wwii-netherlands-escape-lines.com luctor-et-emergofiat-libertasLuctor et Emergo / Fiat Libertas
    4. Geheime Dienst Nederland, Wikipedia • Nederlands
    5. Kamp Vught / Konzentrationslager KZ_Herzogenbusch, Wikipedia
    6. 1. Dolle Dinsdag, Wikipedia • NederlandsDeutschEnglishFrançaisEspañol
      2. Deppner-executies / Erich Deppner, Wikipedia • NederlandsDeutsch
    7. Dr. F. Cammaert, Het Verborgen Front – Geschiedenis van de georganiseerde illegaliteit in de provincie Limburg tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Doctorale scriptie 1994, Groningen
      12. Inlichtingen, p. 1120
    8. wo2slachtoffers.nl Wolters, Oscar Wilhelmus Laurentius
    9. openarch.nl Oscar Wilhelmus Laurentius Wolters
    10. Erelijst 1940-1945
    11. Oorlogsgravenstichting.nl