Limburg 1940-1945,
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The fallen resistance people in Limburg
Jopie Martens was a member of the L.O. Asten-Deurne and official in the distribution office of Deurne. Arrested in the street on July 31, 1944, as a result of treason. [1]
On October 14, 1944, he was transferred from the Amersfoort concentration camp to the Neuengamme concentration camp near Hamburg and assigned camp number 56341. The Sandbostel camp [8], between Hamburg and Bremen, south of Bremervörde, was originally a prisoner-of-war camp. It was a subcamp of Neuengamme. In the turmoil of the end of the war, many prisoner transports arrived here, especially from the Neuengamme camps. The camp was liberated on April 29, 1945. A week later, on May 6, 1945, Jopie died there, like so many others, due to the terrible conditions in the camp, even before he could return home. [2][3]
He is mentioned on/in: provincial memorial De Brabantse Soldaat in Waalre [4], De Gevallen Mens (The Fallen Human) in Asten [5] and the Erelijst van Gevallenen 1940-1945 van de Staten-Generaal (List of honour 1940-1945 of the Dutch Parliament) [6]