Jozef “van Veen“ van Hövell tot Westerflier (Jozef Felix Henri Marie)
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Jozef Felix Henri Marie van Hövell tot Westerflier is not (yet?) listed on a wall of the chapel.

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Jozef “van Veen“ van Hövell tot Westerflier
(Jozef Felix Henri Marie)

 12-01-1919 Maastricht      04-01-1945 Meppen (sub. Neuengamme) (25)
- Students - Maastricht - Nijmegen -


    Full name: Jozef Felix Henri Marie baron van Hövell van Wezeveld en Westerflier. He was a conscript and attended pilot training in Rotterdam until his demobilization by the Germans. For his funeral card reads:
    Being trained at the S.R.O.M.L. in Rotterdam  [1], President of the NSC (Nijmegen Student Corps), President of the St. Vinc. Conf. ext. Canisius.  [2]
    He studied law and was representative of Nijmegen in the Council of Nine (student resistance), tried to convince other students not to sign the Loyalty Declaration.
    Among other things, he was involved with his friend Mesritz in the founding of the Nationaal Comité van Verzet (National Resistance Committee) and worked there directly under L. Neher. Alias name: “van Veen”. Was also a member of group Frederiks.  [3]
    Arrested on March 27, 1944, in a house where a raid against Jews was taking place. From that day until June 28, 1944, he was in cell 682 in the Oranjehotel, followed by the concentration camps of Vught, Oranienburg, Neuengamme, and Versen near Meppen,  [4] which had been a subcamp of Neuengamme since November 1944.  [5]
    In the Book of the Dead, this is inadvertently written as Meppel.  [4]
    In the latter camp he finally succumbed to the privations he had suffered.  [6]
    Jozef Felix Henri Marie ( Jozef “van Veen“ ) van Hövell tot Westerflier is listed in the Erelijst 1940-1945 (Honor Roll of the Dutch Parliament). [6]


    1. School voor Reserve Officieren Militaire Luchtvaart (SROML)
    2. Bidprentje
    3. Digitaal monument Oranjehotel tijdlijn
    4. Dodenboek 3, Oranjehotel
    5. KZ Versen, Wikipedia • NederlandsDeutschEnglish
    6. Erelijst 1940-1945