Frans “Vrijn” Reichert (Franciscus Petrus)
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Franciscus Petrus Reichert is not (yet?) listed on a wall of the chapel.

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Limburg 1940-1945,
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The fallen resistance people in Limburg


Frans “Vrijn” Reichert
(Franciscus Petrus)

 29-08-1873 Delft      14-09-1944 Nijmegen (71)
- Nijmegen - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Knokploegen (K.P.) - Couriers of the Resistance - Limburg + - Ondergrondse pers -

Het Grote Gebod – L.O.

    A trader by profession as well as a courier for the LO-KP out of conviction. Also Vrij Nederland. On September 14, 1944 he was shot in his house because of his work for V.N. [2].
    The following can be read on [4]:

    Frans Reichert, married to Margaretha Wilhelmina Hienkens and father of six adult children, worked for the resistance group Vrij Nederland under the pseudonym VRIJN. On May 20, 1944, the police, led by Pieter Versloot and Marinus Verstappen, searched his apartment but found nothing. Another raid followed at midnight on September 14, 1944, when German SD man Kuhnert, together with Nijmegen police officer Anton Wiebe, searched Reichert’s apartment (again). Kuhnert shot Reichert in the head as he tried to escape through the kitchen. He was buried in his garden with the help of his neighbors, the Bossmann family.
    After the liberation he was buried in the cemetery in Brakkenstein (D 9) until the fall of 1969, since then in the field of honor of the Vredehof cemetery in Nijmegen. [2]


    1. Vrij Nederland 1940-1945, wikipedia NederlandsDeutschEnglishFrançais
    2. Begraafplaats Vredehof te Nijmegen Erehof 47