Jos Baeten (Jozef)
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Jozef Baeten is listed in the Resistance Memorial on the
right wall, row 14 #01

War Memorial in Aachen-Eilendorf

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The fallen resistance people in Limburg


Jos Baeten

 03-05-1915 Sevenum      07-05-1945 Salzgitter-Barum (30)
- Forced Labor - Sevenum -

    Jos Baeten was a farmer. He was arrested in Kronenberg in the church raid of October 8, 1944.
    The Dienst Identificatie en Berging (Identification and Recovery Service) writes about him: [1#17]
    Taken away by the Germans on October 8, 1944 and brought to the Hermann-Goering-Werke [2] in Watenstedt. [3]
    The approximately 2,000 men who were held in the Salzgitter-Watenstedt concentration camp worked at Stahlwerke Braunschweig GmbH, part of the Hermann-Goering-Werke, where mainly grenades were produced. Women from Ravensbrück were added later (Status at the end of March 1945: 729). [4.1]
    It is not known when he was transferred to the camp for forced laborers in Salzgitter-Barum. These people also had to work at Stahlwerke Braunschweig GmbH. [4.2]
    The 40,000 prisoners in Salzgitter and the surrounding area were liberated in April 1945. [2]
    This was too late for Jos Baeten. He died in hospital in Barum. [1#20]
    He was reburied in a grave of honor at the catholic cemetery in Kronenberg (Horst aan de Maas). [5]
    His name is on the monument to the deportees from Kronenberg. [6]


    1. Archief Oorlogsgravenstichting (@ Nationaal archief),
      Dossier Jozef Baeten • #17#20
    2. Reichswerke Hermann Göring, Wikipedia • NederlandsDeutschEnglishFrançaisPortuguês
    3. OpenStreetMap Watenstedt
    4. Salzgitter, Wikipedia D
      1. KZ Salzgitter-Watenstedt
      2. Liste der Wohn- und Arbeitslager im Salzgittergebiet