Limburg 1940-1945,
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The fallen resistance people in LimburgRoermond – 55 pers. | ||
van J.A.A. Albert | ∗ | - Aid to escaped POW’s - Aid to Jews - Pilots’ helpers - Survivors - Roermond - Cammaert wrote: Albert van Ass was a traveling milk seller and pub owner, lived in the hamlet of “De Weerd” near Roermond. His house was an important hub for supporting Allied … This person is not (yet?) listed on the walls of the chapel. |
van Alphons Clemens Maria Fons | ∗ 1909-08-11 Roermond † 1945-03-23 Verviers (B) | - Pilots’ helpers - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Roermond - The photographer Fons van Binsbergen and the printer M.H. Pollaert took care of the necessary forged papers and passport photos in Roermond. [1, p.299] There was a forgery group in Sittard, … wall: right, row 04-01 |
Ludovicus Adrianus Ludo “Lodewijk” | ∗ 1906-10-17 Tilburg † 1945-08-15 Gorinchem | - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Knokploegen (K.P.) - Engelandvaarders - Roermond - Ludo Bleijs’ surname is also spelled Bleys, and sometimes Louis is given as his first name. His resistance name was Lodewijk. During the war he was a member of the Redemptorist monastery in … This person is not (yet?) listed on the walls of the chapel.04-03 |
Andreas Gerardus Willem André | ∗ 1886-05-12 Rotterdam † 1945-03-24 AEL Hunswinkel, Kr. Altena | - People in hiding - Forced Labor - Roermond - The basket maker [1] André Boijmans was one of people in hiding, who were arrested in Roermond after Christmas 1943 and ended up in the Arbeitserziehungslager Hunswinkel, where a … wall: right, row 05-01 |
Johannis Leendert Cornelis Han | ∗ 1906-08-24 Kerkwerve (Zeeland) † 1943-05-02 Well, gem. Bergen (N-Limb) | - Roermond - April-Mei-stakingen, 1943 - The chemist Han Boogerd worked for the company E.C.I. (Electro Chemische Industrie) at the state mine Emma. The entire staff of E.C.I. joined the (miners’) strike, after which … wall: right, row 03-04 |
Theodorus Johannes Theo | ∗ 1905-02-28 Leiden † 1944-05-05 Roermond | - Police - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Pilots’ helpers - Roermond - Theo Bots was a chief inspector of police in Roermond. [1] In addition to the cooperation of the L.O. side and the associated aid apparatus for refugees, the contribution of … wall: right, row 04-03 |
Martinus Antonius Marie Martin “Bob” | ∗ 1899-05-05 Gouda † 1943-05-02 Wellerlooi | - Initial resistance - Ordedienst (O.D.) - April-Mei-stakingen, 1943 - Crisis Controle Dienst (CCD) - Aid to escaped POW’s - Zwarte Plak - Pilots’ helpers - Roermond - Before WWII, Bob Bouman was an officer in the Dutch Colonial Army NIL. [1] After six years in the tropics, he and his family returned to the Netherlands. Here the disease … wall: right, row 04-04 |
Herman Joseph Frederik Herman | ∗ 1874-04-04 Gulpen-Wittem † 1945-03-04 Köln | - Underground Press - Roermond - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - The 70-year-old Herman Joseph Frederik Brinkman was a notary in Roermond. He was the widower of Sophie Marie Caroline Laurence de Ras († 13 November 1906) and remarried This person is not (yet?) listed on the walls of the chapel.- |
Sophie Marie Amélie Jacqueline Sophie | ∗ 1908-10-18 Roermond Geboortedatum: † 1945-03-06 Klingelpütz, Köln | - Women in the resistance - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Aid to escaped POW’s - Underground Press - Roermond - Sophie Brinkman was the daughter of notary Herman Brinkman and Francisca Brinkman-Rohling in … This person is not (yet?) listed on the walls of the chapel.- |
Brinkman-Rohling ,
Francisca Alberta Maria Francisca | ∗ 1875-01-18 Dokkum † 1945-03-27 Maastricht | - Women in the resistance - Underground Press - Roermond - Initial resistance - Francisca Brinkman-Rohling and her husband, 70-year-old notary Herman Brinkman, lived in Roermond [1] and were the parents of This person is not (yet?) listed on the walls of the chapel.- |
Johannes Henricus Maria Jan | ∗ 1896-08-10 Roermond † 1959-01-11 Roermond | - Initial resistance - Aid to escaped POW’s - Pilots’ helpers - Aid to Jews - Underground Press - Survivors - Roermond - Source for birth and death dates: openarchieven.nl. [1] Jan Bronckhorst was married to Mechteldis Margaretha Maria Maessen in 1927. They … This person is not (yet?) listed on the walls of the chapel. |
Alphonsus Antonius Pieter Hubertus Alfons | ∗ 1923-10-29 Maastricht † 1945-03-17 AEL Hunswinkel | - Maastricht - Forced Labor - Roermond - Alfons Ceulen lived in Maastricht until November 24, 1937, then in Roermond. He was a student. An official of the regional employment office recalled after the war that he was deported to … This person is not (yet?) listed on the walls of the chapel.- |
Lodewijk Gerardus Hubertus Louis | ∗ 1925-10-01 Roermond † 1944-12-26 Elmpt (D) | - People in hiding - Roermond - Louis Claessens belonged to the 14 Roermonders murdered during Christmas 1944, who were shot just across the German border in the Elmpt forest, in order to expel their male townmates between the … wall: right, row 05-02 |
Adrianus Johannes Jan | ∗ 1907-01-17 Hoch-Emmerich † 1944-08-19 Vught | - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Aid to Jews - Pilots’ helpers - Roermond - Jan Dahmen was born in Germany to Dutch parents. [2] He was was a merchant of electrical goods. He and his wife Lisa Ottenheym, who came from Germany, gave shelter to Allied airmen and … wall: right, row 04-05 |
Franciscus Frans | ∗ 1907-01-17 ’s-Hertogenbosch † 1944-12-26 Elmpt (D) | - Forced Labor - People in hiding - Roermond - Photo: Roos Cox-Verstappen. [2] Frans Denis was a merchant in manufactories from ’s-Hertogenbosch. [1#2] He was in a German labor … This person is not (yet?) listed on the walls of the chapel. |
Willem Jules Jules | ∗ 1901-04-03 Eschweiler † 1960-11-06 Utrecht | - Ordedienst (O.D.) - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Couriers of the Resistance - Survivors - Roermond - Het privéarchief van Jules Dewez (omvang: 1,5 meter) bevindt zich nu in het Sociaal Historisch Centrum voor Limburg (SHCL), voorzien van de volgende korte levensbeschrijving: [1] This person is not (yet?) listed on the walls of the chapel. |
Mathias Andreas Mathieu | ∗ 1917-07-11 Vlodrop † 1945-03-01 Roermond | - Ordedienst (O.D.) - BS (Domestic Forces) - Roermond - Mathieu Fonteijn lived in Roermond. [1#6] He was a member of the OD, later of the N.B.S. (Dutch Domestic Forces) Comp. Roermond. In January and February 1945, the Germans … wall: right, row 05-03 |
Peter Joseph Peter | ∗ 1899-05-16 Müllenborn † 1944-12-26 Elmpt (D) | - People in hiding - Roermond - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Jews in resistance - - The miller Peter Fuchs lived from his birth until September 7, 1929 in Kassel (Germany), afterwards always in Roermond. [1#3] Married to Lucia Robling (22 September 1901 Kemmertsweiler, also … wall: right, row 07-01 |
Pierre Emile Joseph Pierre | ∗ 1906-03-14 Eijsden † 1944-10-08 Effeld | - Underground Press - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Couriers of the Resistance - Intelligence - Roermond - Pierre Gruijters was Chief purchaser at the Patent- en Kristalsodafabriek in Linne. Roman Catholic. Member of the resistance. Arranged hiding addresses and provided the Allies … wall: right, row 06-01 |
Johannes Hubertus | ∗ 1912-12-05 Roermond † 1944-12-26 Elmpt (D) | - People in hiding - Roermond - Casual worker. Belonged to the 14 Roermonders murdered during Christmas 1944, who were shot just across the German border, in order to expel their male townmates between the ages of 16 and … This person is not (yet?) listed on the walls of the chapel.04-12 |
Frans Marie Joseph Frans | ∗ 1910-09-22 Roermond † 1945-02-13 Buchenwald | - The clergy - Roermond - Jews in resistance - Photo: The Hagiography Circle [1] Frans Helwegen was a roman catholic priest of the eastern rite in Lithuania. Therefore, he was considered an agent of the West … wall: right, row 07-02 |
Henri Joseph Henri | ∗ 1902-09-09 Swalmen † 1945-09-05 Roermond | - Aid to escaped POW’s - Roermond - Henri Hendrickx, together with his younger brother Sef, ran the Oud-Schöndeln farm in Roermond. Cammaert writes about their help to wall: right, row 06-02 |
Jozef Jacobus Sef | ∗ 1905-04-22 Swalmen † 1945-04-23 Bützow-Dreibergen | - Aid to escaped POW’s - Roermond - Sef Hendrickx, together with his older brother Henri, ran the Schöndeln farm in Roermond. Cammaert writes about their help to wall: right, row 06-03 |
van den Gerardus Henricus Adrianus Gerard | ∗ 1900-07-22 Made en Drimmelen † 1945-03-06 JVA Köln | - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Roermond - The clergy - Gerard van den Heuvel CssR was a Redemptorist, just like his colleague Ludo Bleys and, like him, he worked as a chaplain in the … wall: middel, row 21 |
Herman Charles Joseph Herman | ∗ 1897-01-24 Den Haag † 1945-04-10 Buchenwald | - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - The clergy - Aid to Jews - Roermond - From 1935 Herman Hoogendijk was a Dutch Reformed [1] pastor in Roermond. Married, 4 children. Member of LO-Roermond, also representative of the NSF [2.1] (Nationaal Steunfonds = … wall: right, row 06-04 |
Jacobus Everhardus Jacques/Jacob | ∗ 1904-02-09 Nijmegen † 1944-08-11 Vught | - Initial resistance - Pilots’ helpers - Roermond - Nijmegen - Jacob Janssen was a branch manager of the grocery chain EDAH in Roermond and a member of the resistance group Oranje Vrijbuiters. [1] His code name was Jacob, his call … wall: right, row 05-04 |
Lambertus Joseph | ∗ 1907-12-13 Roermond † 1944-12-26 Elmpt (D) | - People in hiding - Roermond - Factory worker. Belonged to the 14 Roermonders murdered during Christmas 1944, who were shot just across the German border, in order to expel their male townmates between the ages of 16 and … This person is not (yet?) listed on the walls of the chapel.04-15 |
Petrus Antonius Josephus Pierre | ∗ 1884-03-26 Roermond † 1945-01-06 KZ Sachsenhausen | - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Aid to Jews - Pilots’ helpers - Roermond - Pierre Janssens was a house painter. [1#2] He was recruited by Father Ludo Bleys. [2] Pierre frequently employed Jewish people in hiding. … wall: right, row 07-03 |
Wilhelmus Willem | ∗ 1900-01-14 Vaals † 1944-12-26 Elmpt (D) | - People in hiding - Roermond - The earthworker Willem Jongen belonged to the 14 Roermonders murdered during Christmas 1944, who were shot just across the German border, in order to expel their male townmates between the ages of … This person is not (yet?) listed on the walls of the chapel.04-16 |
Willem /Wim Stoffels | ∗ 1903-12-11 Den Helder † 1945-03-25 Düsseldorf | - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Local contacts - Roermond - Forced Labor - He was one of the “duikhoofden” (contact persons for those in hiding to the LO) in Roermond. [1] The German death certificate states that Willem Jutjens died in … wall: right, row 08-01 |
Wim Johan Wim | ∗ 1905-05-19 Amsterdam † 1945-04-09 AEL Hunswinkel (D) | - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Aid to Jews - People in hiding - Forced Labor - Roermond - Wim Kasdorp was a seller of electrotechnical articles in the Electro Groothandel Kasdorp, Roermond. [1] He supported people in hiding, e.g. jewish children [2] His son wrote: wall: right, row 08-02 |
Kuypers/ Kuijpers,
Jacques Johannes Hubertus Jaco | ∗ 1923-08-25 Roermond † 1945-01-25 Roermond | - People in hiding - Unorganized resistance - Roermond - Jaco Kuijpers was an office worker. Around January 25, 1945, Joseph Schalley from Linne and Jacques Kuypers from Roermond were arrested and shot, probably near Hattem Castle, the … wall: right, row 09-01 |
van Frans Maurits Marie Mauk “Frans” | ∗ 1911-03-13 Groesbeek † 1945-01-20 Linne (Maasbracht) | - Aid to escaped POW’s - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Roermond - Mauk van Lamsweerde was director of the Roermond branch of the Rotterdamsche Bank. Member of the resistance under the pseudonym Frans. With his own funds, the baron … wall: right, row 07-04 |
Joseph Hubert Guillaume Guillaume | ∗ 1884-07-26 Schimmert † 1960-07-22 Roermond | - The clergy - Survivors - Roermond - Guillaume Lemmens was the bishop of the diocese of Roermond from 1932 to 1957. This diocese coincides with the Dutch province of Limburg. He was an avowed opponent of National … |
Mechteldis Margaretha Maria | ∗ 1901-10-10 Roermond † 1968-07-23 Roermond | - Initial resistance - Aid to escaped POW’s - Pilots’ helpers - Aid to Jews - Underground Press - Women in the resistance - Survivors - Roermond - Source for birth and death dates: geneanet.org. [1] Mechteld Maessen was married to Jan Bronckhorst in 1927. They operated pub-hotel … This person is not (yet?) listed on the walls of the chapel. |
Jan Leo ome Leo | ∗ 1895-08-31 Heerlen † 1945-04-02 Bergen-Belsen | - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - The clergy - Roermond - Peace Carillon - Uncle Leo Moonen was the secretary of the diocese of Roermond, which is congruent with the Dutch province of Limburg. He was a co-founder and the spiritual advisor and so one of the de facto … wall: right, row 08-03 |
Thijs | ∗ 1926-01-18 Beilen † 1944-12-26 Elmpt | - People in hiding - Roermond - Thijs Oljans was an office worker. [1#4] His biography on the website wo2slachtoffers.nl/ reads: Lived in Roermond, Schoolpad 2. Son of Jan Oljans and Annechien Kuik. … wall: right, row 09-02 |
Wicher | ∗ 1922-07-03 Beilen † 1944-12-26 Elmpt | - People in hiding - Studenten - Roermond - Unorganized resistance - Student MTS (Middelbare Technische School) [1#4]. Oorlogsgravenstichting.nl [8] calls him a “member of the resistance”. Maybe that was more than setting up the hiding place … wall: right, row 09-03 |
Paulus Johannes Paul | ∗ 1920-03-19 Maasniel † 1944-09-26 Maalbroek/Asenray, gem. Maasni | - People in hiding - Roermond - Maasniel - Paul Peeters was an assistant deliverer at the post company. [1] This status was apparently not enough to protect him from being conscripted into forced labor in Germany. So Paul went into … wall: right, row 09-04 |
Polski jeniec,
Frans | ∗ 0000-00-00 † 1944-12-27 Elmpt (D) | - People in hiding - Roermond - Polski jeniec = Polish prisoner of war. “Frans” was the unknown person in hiding. During WWII they were called “onderduikers” in the Netherlands, (which means divers). He belonged to the … This person is not (yet?) listed on the walls of the chapel.04-23 |
Conrad Richard Hermann Conrad | ∗ 1895-04-04 Ochsenfurt (D) † 1945-03-03 Köln | - Roermond - Unorganized resistance - The first name of Conrad Raab is spelled with K only by the registry office in Roermond. His father Hugo founded the Limburgse Spiritusindustrie (Lispin) in Herkenbosch. [1.1] This person is not (yet?) listed on the walls of the chapel. |
Albert Bèr | ∗ 1916-11-12 Roermond † 1944-06-10 Overveen | - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Knokploegen (K.P.) - Pilots’ helpers - Ordedienst (O.D.) - Roermond - Albert Reulen was a butcher and factory worker, involved in the resistance groups Ordedienst (OD), Landelijke Organisatie voor Hulp aan Onderduikers (LO) and the KP (knokploegen, armed … wall: right, row 09-05 |
Jan Louis Jan | ∗ 1922-02-16 Roermond † 1945-03-22 AEL Hunswinkel, Kr. Altena | - People in hiding - Forced Labor - Roermond - Jan Rietjens lived in Roermond from his birth until September 10, 1940. After that he lived in Heerlen until January 21, 1944. Subsequently in Roermond again. Heerlen was already liberated at … wall: right, row 08-04 |
Johannes Johan | ∗ 1884-10-04 Wildervank † 1944-11-17 Venlo | - Intelligence - Pilots’ helpers - Roermond - Johan Roosjen was a main supervisor at the electricity supplier Provinciale Limburgse Electriciteits Maatschappij. He was also a wealthy man who traded in shares and drove … wall: right, row 10-01 |
Adrianus Johannes Albertus Adriaan | ∗ 1905-12-26 ’s-Hertogenbosch † 1945-04-23 Passau (Mauthausen) | - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - The clergy - Roermond - Adriaan Sars was a vicar at the cathedral of Roermond and therefore, of course, a member of the LO. With the arrival of a paratrooper battalion under the command of Major wall: right, row 10-03 |
Richard Leonard Arnold Richard | ∗ 1886-10-05 Roermond † 1942-05-03 Sachsenhausen (Oranienburg) | - OD trial of Maastricht - Intelligence - Initial resistance - Initial resistance - Roermond - Richard Schoemaker was a cadet at the Royal Military Academy from 1905 and active in various sports, especially fencing. In it he participated in the Olympic Games in London in 1908. He became … This person is not (yet?) listed on the walls of the chapel.- |
Schreur /Schreurs,
Joseph Petrus Adrianus Joseph | ∗ 1911-11-06 Rotterdam † 1944-10-31 Klingelpütz Köln | - Roermond - Unorganized resistance - People in hiding - Forced Labor - On the wall of the Limburg Resistance Monument there is a Joseph Schreurs listed for Roermond. No person with that name can be found among the Roermond war victims, but the furniture maker and … wall: right, row 10-04 |
Hubertus | ∗ 1923-04-20 Roermond † 1944-12-26 Elmpt (D) | - People in hiding - Roermond - Carpenter. Belonged to the 14 Roermonders murdered during Christmas 1944, who were shot just across the German border, in order to expel their male townmates between the ages of 16 and 60. This person is not (yet?) listed on the walls of the chapel.04-26 |
Mathieu | ∗ 1928-03-01 Roermond † 1944-12-26 Elmpt (D) | - People in hiding - Roermond - Errand boy, he only reached the age of 16. Belonged to the 14 Roermonders murdered during Christmas 1944, who were shot just across the German border, in order to expel their male townmates … wall: right, row 11-01 |
Jacqueline Henrica Tante Jacquelien | ∗ 1892-02-25 Melick-Herkenbosch † 1945-02-19 KZ Ravensbrück | - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Aid to Jews - Women in the resistance - Roermond - Jacqueline Smeets-Hendrickx was one of the few female victims at the Resistance. Arrested on August 10, 1944 in connection with the housing of Jews [1] Pub/hotel … wall: right, row 10-05 |
Marcel Elbert Jozef Marie Marcel “Starkenborg” | ∗ 1914-06-27 Brunssum † 1944-08-11 Vught | - People in hiding - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Ordedienst (O.D.) - Pilots’ helpers - Brunssum - Roermond - Marcel Stoffels was an employee in an office. After a period of resistance activities in Apeldoorn, he went into hiding in Roermond when the members of the Dutch army were to be taken prisoner of … wall: left, row 06-02 |
Jan Catharina Jan | ∗ 1928-03-14 Roermond † 1944-12-26 Elmpt (D) | - People in hiding - Roermond - Jan Tobben was a merchant. He belonged to the 14 Roermonders murdered during Christmas 1944, who were shot just across the German border, in order to expel their male townmates between the ages of … This person is not (yet?) listed on the walls of the chapel.04-29 |
Louis | ∗ 1914-11-13 Rotterdam † 1944-12-26 Elmpt (Niederkrüchten) | - People in hiding - Roermond - Louis Uphus was a window dresser [1#2] and lived in Roermond [1#3] since July 16, 1940. He belonged to the 14 Roermonders murdered during Christmas 1944, who were shot just across the … This person is not (yet?) listed on the walls of the chapel.04-30 |
Franciscus Wilhelmus Gerardus Hendricus Frans | ∗ 1914-01-25 Roermond † 1977-12-01 Sint Odiliënberg | - Ordedienst (O.D.) - Aid to escaped POW’s - Pilots’ helpers - Survivors - Roermond - Cammaert schrijft in zijn inleiding over Frans Verbruggen: Roermond, administrateur sanatorium “Hornerheide”. Was aangesloten bij de O.D. en maakte zich vooral verdienstelijk … This person is not (yet?) listed on the walls of the chapel. |
Willem | ∗ 1896-02-06 Utrecht † 1944-12-26 Elmpt (D) | - People in hiding - Roermond - Factory worker. Belonged to the 14 Roermonders murdered during Christmas 1944, who were shot just across the German border, in order to expel their male townmates between the ages of 16 and … This person is not (yet?) listed on the walls of the chapel.04-31 |