|  | Voerendaal
Read about the occupation and the resistance against it in Voerendaal:
Verzet in Voerendaal [1], short biography of three resistance fighters from Voerendaal)
Voerendaal 1940-1944. [2]
When retreating from South Limburg, the Germans had other victims to take responsibility for. One of them was Marcel Le Chantre (∗ November 4, 1909, † September 9, 1944), a member of the Belgian resistance organization White Brigade. [4]
He had been arrested in the Belgian village of Eisden on September 2, and was taken with the Germans in retreat, shackled, for a week until he was executed on the Kunderberg near what was then the Schunck quarry. A monument to Le Chantre was erected on the spot where he was shot. [2][3]
A few days earlier, two members of the KP (Knokploeg) of South Limburg were shot on the Cauberg in Valkenburg. [5]
On September 12, 1944, between Heer and Cadier en Keer, 12 resisters of the Secret Army (Belgium), Maaseik sector, were shot, including an unknown Eastern European. On September 14, 1944, seven more members of the same group were killed at Gangelt (just over the German border). [6]
- voerendaal.reubsaet.net Verzet in Voerendaal
- voerendaal.reubsaet.net Voerendaal 1940-1944
- bensavelkoul.nl Marcel Le Chantre
- Witte Brigade / Brigade blanche, Wikipedia • Nederlands • Deutsch • English • Français
- Cauberg, Valkenburg, 5 sept. 1944
- Geheim Leger (B) Heer, Gangelt, sept. 1944
Liberated: 1944-09-17
The fallen resistance people in Limburg Voerendaal – 3 pers.
Paul Leon Willem Antoon Paul | ∗ 1921-02-28 Voerendaal † 1945-04-29 Dora-Mittelbau (Nordhausen)
| - Initial resistance - Group Smit - Voerendaal - Ondergrondse pers - Forced Labor - Paul Leclou attended the MTS (Secondary Technical School). Cammaert writes about the situation in Voerendaal in 1940: Former soldiers like Th.G.H. Treuen, L.A. Vlemmings, C. … wall: right, row 34-04 |
Leon Marie Hubert Leo | ∗ 1914-07-01 Voerendaal † 1945-04-24 Bergen-Belsen
| - The clergy - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Pilots’ helpers - Voerendaal - Gulpen - Vicar Leo Penders headed subdistrict 2 of the LO with the places Gulpen, Reymerstok and Wylré. (See map 45. Gulpen district: division into subdistricts. Cammaert VIb, p.693 [1] and …
wall: left, row 12-01 |
Theodorus Gerardus Johannes Peter Theo | ∗ 1914-07-24 Tegelen † 1942-09-17 Amsterdam
| - Initial resistance - Group Smit - Voerendaal - The parental home of Theo Treuen stood at Maasstraat 43 in Steyl. He worked in the butcher shop Leenders in Voerendaal and during the pre-war mobilization he was a soldier, 2nd rgt. … wall: right, row 34-05 |