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Willy Schut (Cornelis Martinus Wilhelmus)
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Cornelis Martinus Wilhelmus Schut

War Memorial in Aachen-Eilendorf

Limburg 1940-1945,
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Willy Schut
(Cornelis Martinus Wilhelmus)

 28-11-1901 Utrecht      ?
- Police - Sipo/SD - NSB - War Criminals - Survivors -

    Picture: Before coming to Maastricht, Willy Schut was the chauffeur of Anton Mussert, the leader of the NSB. [1]
    Cammaert wrote: Employee of the Sipo-Maastricht. Worked in the shadow of R. Nitsch and other Sipo functionaries, but he turned out to be one of the greatest sadists and murderers. Together with Nitsch, Schut led the interrogations in Vught of the top L.O. officials arrested in June 1944. He managed to escape after the war. [2]
    He is mentioned in the article about his boss Max Strobel Gezocht: de SD-beul van Limburg (Wanted: the SD butcher of Limburg) [3]. He was never caught either.
    Frans Schreurs was one of his victims. The Dutch SS officer and SD collaborator Cornelis Martinus Wilhelmus Schut (November 28, 1901 Utrecht) shot him on November 19, 1944. [4]
    He is mentioned several times in the inventory of war sources in the Roermond archives, as are his accomplices. Including once with the first name Cor. [5]


      1. Gerrit van der Vorst Vijf zware oorlogsmisdadigers die nooit voor een rechter verschenen
      2. Ir. A.A. Mussert (midden) in april 1937 voor de rechtbank in Amsterdam
    1. Cammaert, A. P. M. (1994). Het verborgen front: Geschiedenis van de georganiseerde illegaliteit in de provincie Limburg tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.
      Hoofdst. 0, pp.18ff: Introductie van vaak genoemde personen
    2. Bart Ebisch & Sjors van Beek, Gezocht: de SD-beul van Limburg Dagblad De Limburger / Limburgs Dagblad, 08 oktober 2016
    3. Schreurs, Franciscus Hubertus Hendrikus
    4. Archief van Roermond, inventaris van de oorlogsbronnen