Harry “De Wit” Schepers (Henri Hubert)
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Henri Hubert Schepers is listed in the Resistance Memorial on the
left wall, row 07 #03

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The fallen resistance people in Limburg


Harry “De Wit” Schepers
(Henri Hubert)

 21-12-1914 Elsloo      18-08-1944 Meerssen (29)
- Forced Labor - White Brigade (Belgium) - Belgium - Elsloo - Meerssen -

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    A detailed biographical description of Harry Schepers can be found on stolpersteine.app [1].
    There we read the following about the tailor and goalkeeper of the first team of the Marsana soccer club in Meerssen:
    In 1943, Schepers was forced to work in Aachen. From there he fled to Belgium and immediately joined the resistance: the White Brigade. [2]
    He worked for resistance groups in Liège and Tongeren, where he was known as Harrie and/or De Wit.
    The traitor Gonnie Zeguers-Boere also knew that he was involved with the White Brigade. She told this to the SiPo in order to be allowed to keep her passport. She needed it for her black market business. To make her story credible, Zeguers-Boere handed over some pistols to Strobel. She said she had obtained them from H.H. Schepers (De Wit) from Elsloo. Through the mediation of a pub landlady from the Belgian border town of Vroenhoven, M.E. Coenegracht-Straetermans, she arranged an appointment with him in Meerssen for August 18. Four SiPo officers, including Nitsch and Conrad, waited for the young man in Meerssen that day and shot him. [3]
    In the Limburgs Dagblad of November 16, 1948, there is an article about the trial against Nitsch, which also mentions this murder:
    The S.D. forced their way into the pub and right after the order hands up, Schepers was shot by Nitsch. Schepers was allegedly in possession of a pistol and is said to have failed to raise his hands in time. Nitsch contradicts the witness Franssen on the question of whether Nitsch fired again immediately or gave Schepers a mercy shot after a certain pause. Remarkably, Zeguers-Boere had asked the witness Huls to sit slightly differently, so that, as it turned out afterwards, he was not sitting in the line of fire between the door and Schepers. [4]
    See also: The Treason of Maastricht
    Henri Hubert ( Harry “De Wit” ) Schepers is listed in the Erelijst 1940-1945 (Honor Roll of the Dutch Parliament). [5]

    Reburied on the National Field of Honor in Loenen, grave A563 [6]


    1. Harry Schepers, stolpersteine.app • NederlandsEnglishFrançais
    2. Witte brigade / brigade blanche, Wikipedia • NederlandsDeutschEnglishFrançais
    3. Dr. F. Cammaert, Het Verborgen Front – Geschiedenis van de georganiseerde illegaliteit in de provincie Limburg tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Doctorale scriptie 1994, Groningen
      6. De Landelijke Organisatie voor hulp aan onderduikers p.652
    4. Delpher Limburgs Dagblad van 16 november 1948
    5. Erelijst 1940-1945
    6. Nationaal Ereveld Loenen
      oorlogsgravenstichting.nl4en5mei.nl, oorlogsmonumenten
      Wikipedia • NederlandsDeutsch
    7. Oorlogsgravenstichting.nl
    8. https://www.oorlogsbronnen.nl/tijdlijn/Henri-Hubert-Schepers/02/136253