Simon “Jan” Groot (Simon Petrus)
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Simon Petrus Groot is listed in the Resistance Memorial on the
right wall, row 14 #03

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The fallen resistance people in Limburg


Simon “Jan” Groot
(Simon Petrus)

 15-05-1924 Alkmaar      20-09-1944 Sevenum (20)
- Initial resistance - Ordedienst (O.D.) - Sevenum -


    Simon Petrus Groot was an office worker. The farm Rust Roest of the Groot family in Sevenum was a stronghold of resistance activities during the war. His cousin, also named Simon, was the farmer there. According to the NIOD, it was Simon Petrus’ childhood home too. [1]
    According to his biography on, he lived in Velp. It goes on saying: He was born on May 15, 19124, son of Stendert Adrianus Groot (August 14, 1888, Zijpe) and Catharina Cornelia Zuurbier (December 13, 1894, Akersloot). He was unmarried and worked as a farmer/office worker. [2]
    Apparently he was working on his cousin’s farm in Sevenum on their fateful day. He was called Jan there. Perhaps because the farmer, his cousin, was also named Simon? Often young men, who were supposed to go to Germany for forced labor, got an agricultural exemption. On Rust Roest people were in hiding, and the resistance met there regularly. At the beginning of September 1944, South Limburg was liberated and the morale of many Germans sank more and more. On Wednesday, September 20, three Germans arrived on the scene to loot and a firefight ensued. Not only two Germans died, but also Simon Petrus Groot (20 years old) and his cousin Simon Stendert Groot (33 years old) were hit by bullets and died of their injuries. Read more details at the page of Simon Stendert Groot.

    The two cousins are buried in the Roman Catholic cemetery St. Fabianus & Sebastianus, row 9, grave 3. That is a family grave. It shows, that both Simon Stendert and Simon Petrus were called Simon. [5]
    At the site in Sevenum, where the farmstead Rust Roest stood, there is now a monument commemorating it. [3]
    Simon Petrus ( Simon “Jan” ) Groot is listed in the Erelijst 1940-1945 (Honor Roll of the Dutch Parliament). [4]


    1. Biogr. Simon Petrus Groot
    2. Biogr. Simon Petrus Groot
    3. Sevenum, Herdenkingsmonument Hoeve ‘Rust Roest’, Dorperdijk 19, 5975 PV, Sevenum (Horst aan de Maas), Limburg, Nederland
    4. Erelijst 1940-1945