Hendrikje Smid
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Hendrikje Smid is not (yet?) listed on a wall of the chapel.

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Limburg 1940-1945,
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The fallen resistance people in Limburg


Hendrikje Smid

 08-04-1922 Smilde      15-10-1944 Hoensbroek (22)
- Communists & Sympathizers - Ondergrondse pers - Women in the resistance - Hoensbroek -

    Hendrikje Smid was a daughter of Hendrik Jan Smid (1898-1961) and Geziena Hesse (1902-1968). [1]
    In the card index of CPN victims in Limburg, it is noted on her card that she worked for the CPN party newspaper De Waarheid (The Truth) and was arrested on February 2, 1941. After her release (ill) she died in 1944. She is not listed there as a party member, but as a “Waarheidsvriend” (friend of the truth). [2]
    Cammaert gives the date of her arrest as February 9, 1941, with the remark: soon released due to diagnosis of tuberculosis. For the period from 4 to 12 February, he lists 10 arrests of members and sympathizers of the CPN in Hoensbroek. [3]
    The mention of Hendrikje Smid on oorlogsbronnen.nl [4] is based on the above-mentioned archive. [2]
    Otherwise, no further details about her are provided anywhere. Perhaps because she died of t.b.c., which she had not contracted in captivity? It is not known whether her captivity exacerbated her illness.

    Op de hoek van de straat


    1. Hendrikje Smid, openarchieven.nl
      1. * 8 april 1922, Drents Archief te Drenthe, Bevolkings­register Deel: 47, Smilde, archief 2001.27, inventaris­num­mer 47, Deel 7, 1920-1939
      2. † 15 oktober 1944, Hoensbroek
    2. ARCH00347.148 Image 16
    3. Dr. F. Cammaert, Het Verborgen Front – Geschiedenis van de georganiseerde illegaliteit in de provincie Limburg tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Doctorale scriptie 1994, Groningen
      10. De C.P.N. en de illegaliteit, Bijlage VIII. Arrestatie communisten en radicale socialisten, 1941
    4. https://www.oorlogsbronnen.nl/tijdlijn/3d0234f4-bbc0-4a9e-9b1d-652a23d2fb04