VALKENBURG 2024 – 80 years free



Presentation book
Valkenburg 2024 – 80 jaar bevrijd

(Valkenburg 2024 - 80 years of liberation) by Alderman Kevin Rouwette

Photo Jos Coenen

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It cannot be told enough, the horrors that took place in World War II. For South Limburg and so also in Valkenburg-Houthem, liberation came about seven months earlier than in the rest of the Netherlands. That date of September 1944 is etched in our memory, we must never forget it. Let us not erase them but remember and commemorate them as one more tribute to our parents, grandparents, relatives, friends, neighbors and fellow Valkenburgers.

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A unique book about the liberation of Valkenburg 80 years ago!
Eighty previously untold stories.
How we (the people of Valkenburg of those days) experienced the liberation. How it felt to live under the German occupation. How it was to see that our neighbor suddenly had to wear a yellow star. And later was simply rounded up never to return. How it felt to suddenly have to get some belongings together to take shelter in one of the caves.
And how defeated we were when we were allowed to go back home and saw that all the bridges had been blown up and so many houses destroyed.

The book will be released on September 13 and will be available to participants of the Belevingstocht (Adventure Walk) on presentation of this sign-off card at the special price of €5 (retail price €15) from 4:30 p.m. at St. Nicholas Church and on sale from September 14 at Natuurshop Madelief
Dr. Erenstraat 8B, 6301 DX Valkenburg a/d Geul
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (except Sundays)

| resistance in Valkenburg | genocide of the Jews in Limburg | genocide of the Romani in Limburg and elsewhere | Germans killed in action in Valkenburg-Houthem |