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Limburg 1940-1945,
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The fallen resistance people in Limburg
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Grete (Margaretha) | ∗ 1900-11-09 Altenkirchen (D) † 1942-08-31 Auschwitz (Oświęcim) | - Valkenburg - ✡ - 41 years old. Widow of Arthur Cohen, ∗ 04-04-1892, … More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg |
Ben | ∗ 1924-04-30 Bergen † 1944-02-12 Christinowka | - Valkenburg - German Front Soldiers - Photo: Hitlers laatste hoop in bange dagen Elf Valkenburgers worden soldaat in het Duitse leger [1.1] Ben Antwerpen, who lived on the Cauberg, was one of the young men from … |
M.C.M.H. Michel | ∗ 1902-03-29 Venlo † 1979-05-10 Maastricht | - Initial resistance - Ordedienst (O.D.) - Aid to escaped POW’s - Pilots’ helpers - Intelligence - Survivors - Verzetsherdenkingskruis - Dates of birth and death of Michel Bartels can be found on his In Memoriam card in the Historisch Centrum Limburg. [1] Already in 1940, civil servants and especially former soldiers … t- |
Johanna | ∗ 1896-05-20 Bauchem (D) † 1942-09-07 Auschwitz (Oświęcim) | - Valkenburg - ✡ - ⚭ Ferdinand Gottschalk, Neerhem 45, Valkenburg. 46 years old. Source: Stichting Struikelstenen (Foundation Stumbling Blocks) Valkenburg [1], … More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg |
Gustaaf “Modest”/ “Anatol” | ∗ 1908-07-29 Aspelare (Ninove) † 1944-09-12 Heer | - Belgium - Secret Army (B) - Heer - Initial resistance - The northeast of Belgian Limburg was the territory of the B.N.B., a.k.a. ‘Secret Army, Zone II. Antwerpen - Limburg’. Although no exact figures are available, the number of members of this … u-01-02 |
van Gerardus Lambertus Johannes Gerard “Pater Beatus” | ∗ 1899-09-21 Amsterdam † 1945-03-20 Bergen-Belsen | - The clergy - Initial resistance - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Local contacts - Ondergrondse pers - Aid to Jews - Aid to escaped POW’s - Pilots’ helpers - People in hiding - Heerlen - Gerard van Beckhoven or Father Beatus van Beckhoven OFM was kapelaan (vicar) in Heerlen at the rectorate church of St. Francis on the Laanderstraat in Heerlen [1] and there he became a … More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg wall: left, row 15-02 |
van Adrianus Hubertus | ∗ 1895-09-24 Wamel † 1942-08-31 KZ Groß-Rosen | - Initial resistance - Heerlen - Communists & Sympathizers - Scaffolder, helped to bring refugees across the border. Arrested on June 24, 1941. Eventually he ended up in the Nacht und Nebel [1] concentration camp in Gross-Rosen [2], where … wall: middel, row 05-02 |
Quentin K. | ∗ 0000-00-00 † 1944-09-16 Valkenburg | - Old Hickory - Valkenburg - Quentin Begore was one of the six soldiers of the Old Hickory Division who were killed in action during the liberation of Valkenburg and its surroundings. More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg v-01-01 |
Josef | ∗ 1876-01-24 Schimmert † 1943-05-14 Sobibor | - Valkenburg - ✡ - ⚭ Bertha Heijser, 67 years old. Source: Stichting Struikelstenen (Foundation Stumbling Blocks) Valkenburg [1], Wikipedia [2] More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg |
Liza | ∗ 1877-12-05 Schimmert † 1943-05-14 Sobibor | - Valkenburg - ✡ - 65 years old. Cohabiting sister(-in-law) of Bertha and Josef Benedik-Heijser Source: Stichting … More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg |
Robert | ∗ 1907-05-08 Schimmert † 1943-01-15 Spytkowice | - Valkenburg - ✡ - 35 years old. Source: Stichting Struikelstenen (Foundation Stumbling Blocks) Valkenburg [1], Wikipedia [2] More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg |
Rudolf | ∗ 1911-08-03 Valkenburg † 1942-12-31 Spytkowice | - Valkenburg - ✡ - Source: Stichting Struikelstenen (Foundation Stumbling Blocks) Valkenburg [1], Wikipedia [2] More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg |
Walter | ∗ 1920-07-14 Valkenburg † 1943-07-02 Sobibor | - Valkenburg - ✡ - 22 years old. Son of Bertha and Josef Benedik-Heijser Source: Stichting Struikelstenen (Foundation … More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg |
Ernst David Ernst | ∗ 1898-10-16 Krefeld † 1943-01-31 Auschwitz | - Maastricht - Jews in resistance - Initial resistance - Intelligence - Ernst Berets came from a Jewish family with many children. His father was Dutch, his mother German. They had moved to Krefeld after World War I, where they ran a wholesale fruit and vegetable … u-01-02 |
Jan Willem Giel | ∗ 1907-04-12 Meers † 1945-03-13 Bergen-Belsen | - Initial resistance - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Heerlen - People in hiding - The clergy - Since september 10, 1933, Giel Berix was a kapelaan (in the Netherlands a term for Roman Catholic auxiliary parish priests, vicars. In Belgium they are also called Onderpastoor) at St. … More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg wall: left, row 15-04 |
Joseph | ∗ 0000-00-00 † 1944-10-17 Valkenburg | - Hell on Wheels - Valkenburg - Jan Diederenn writes in Mijn oorlog en bevrijding: “Mrs. Huntjens, who was living at the time on Nieuweweg, saw four soldiers being … More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg v-01-01 |
de Willem | ∗ 1908-07-16 Amsterdam † 1942-05-11 Oranienburg | - OD trial of Maastricht - Initial resistance - Intelligence - Ordedienst (O.D.) - Willem de Boer was a commercial agent and kept radio contact with England [1]. According to the Dodenboek Oranjehotel (Book of the Dead) [7] he was a member of the O.G.-group Naarden-Bussum, but … u-01-02 |
Charles Marie Hubert Joseph Charles | ∗ 1909-08-07 Venlo † 1944-11-23 KZ Ladelund, KZ Neuengamme | - Police - Ordedienst (O.D.) - Aid to escaped POW’s - Pilots’ helpers - Ondergrondse pers - Netwerk Bongaerts - Initial resistance - Heerlen - Married to Trees (Theresa) Dahmen. In 1940 Charles was a reserve officer in the Dutch army and during the five day battle of the Netherlands he fought on the so called “Grebbenberg Line”, that … wall: left, row 16-01 |
Martinus Antonius Marie Martin “Bob” | ∗ 1899-05-05 Gouda † 1943-05-02 Wellerlooi | - Initial resistance - Ordedienst (O.D.) - April-Mei-stakingen, 1943 - Crisis Controle Dienst (CCD) - Aid to escaped POW’s - Zwarte Plak - Pilots’ helpers - Roermond - Before WWII, Bob Bouman was an officer in the Dutch Colonial Army NIL. [1] After six years in the tropics, he and his family returned to the Netherlands. Here the disease … wall: right, row 04-04 |
Eugénie Marie Theodorina Eugénie | ∗ 1897-06-07 Bressoux, Liège (B) † 1990-06-04 Sevenum | - Initial resistance - Aid to escaped POW’s - Aid to Jews - Survivors - Women in the resistance - Sevenum - The above information is taken from the short biography of the teacher Eugénie Boutet from Sevenum on humanitarisme.nl. [1.1] The same information can be found almost identically in large … t- |
Lambert | ∗ 1900-07-20 Hoelbeek (B) † 1956-01-27 Houthem-St-Gerlach | - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Valkenburg - Survivors - The above birth and death dates of Lambert Brands are from the only In Memoriam card of a Lambert Brands in the collection of rijckheyt.nl. But is it really the same person? [1] Head of … More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg t- |
Hubertus Leonardus Lei /Leo | ∗ 1925-09-27 Broekhem † 1945-02-15 Kryniczno (PL) | - Valkenburg - German Front Soldiers - Photo from Mijn oorlog en bevrijding (My War and Liberation) p.34. [1] Leo was one of the Valkenburgers who either had German citizenship or were stateless and therefore had to … |
Brinkman-Rohling ,
Francisca Alberta Maria Francisca | ∗ 1875-01-18 Dokkum † 1945-03-27 Maastricht | - Women in the resistance - Ondergrondse pers - Roermond - Initial resistance - Francisca Brinkman-Rohling and her husband, 70-year-old notary Herman Brinkman, lived in Roermond [1] and were the parents of u-01-02 |
Johannes Henricus Maria Jan | ∗ 1896-08-10 Roermond † 1959-01-11 Roermond | - Initial resistance - Aid to escaped POW’s - Pilots’ helpers - Aid to Jews - Ondergrondse pers - Survivors - Roermond - Source for birth and death dates: openarchieven.nl. [1] Jan Bronckhorst was married to Mechteldis Margaretha Maria Maessen in 1927. They … t- |
Martinus Hubertus Martin | ∗ 1918-11-13 St. Pieter (M’tricht † 1945-04-11 Mauthausen | - Geleen - Forced Labor - Unorganized resistance - Martin Brouns was a bread peddler [1#2] and a miner. On August 19, 1929 he moved with his parents from Maastricht to Geleen. [1#3] After being dismissed from the … wall: left, row 09-02 |
Neeltje | ∗ 1914-08-29 Benschop, Utr. † 1983-09-12 Winschoten, Oldambt (Gr) | - Civil Servants - Ondergrondse pers - Pilots’ helpers - Couriers of the Resistance - Survivors - Women in the resistance - Geulle - The birth and death dates of the Koers-Brouwer couple can be found on geni.com. [1] She and her husband Klaas Koers t- |
Edmund Leo | ∗ 1914-12-14 Cambridge, Mass. † 1944-09-16 Valkenburg-Houthem | - Hell on Wheels - Valkenburg - Edmund Leo Brown SN 20123737 1st Lieutenant, 41st Armored infantry division, E-company The following text and the photo are taken from the book Valkenburg 80 jaar bevrijd (Valkenburg 80 … More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg v-01-01 |
Léon Antoine Leo | ∗ 1912-02-06 Sittard † 1945-04-17 Dresden | - Initial resistance - Group Smit - Sittard - Police - Leo Bruls from Sittard was an aircraft mechanic and aviator at the Militaire Luchtvaartafdeling (Military Aviation Department) in Soesterberg. [1] Today it is called the Koninklijke … wall: right, row 17-04 |
Cleaver F. | ∗ 1919-11-24 Bath County, Kentucky † 1944-09-17 Valkenburg | - Old Hickory - Valkenburg - Private 1st class Cleaver F. Buckler, SN 35667088 30th Inf. Div., 119th Inf. Reg., 1st Batt. A Company. He was one of the six soldiers of the Old Hickory Division who were killed in action … More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg v-01-01 |
Jacobus Johannes Hendrikus Jacob | ∗ 1903-02-22 Den Haag † 1942-05-11 Oranienburg | - OD trial of Maastricht - Initial resistance - Ordedienst (O.D.) - Before the war, Jacob Buikes was a sergeant-airplane mechanic in the Royal Dutch Navy. Shortly after the surrender he was put on wachtgeld and subsequently joined an … u-01-02 |
Wilhelmus Fredericus Wim | ∗ 1918-09-28 Amsterdam † 1942-05-11 Oranienburg | - OD trial of Maastricht - Initial resistance - Intelligence - Wim Burger was an office worker. [1] He belonged to the spy group around Hans Zomer and thus fell victim to the Englandspiel (England game). [2] He … u-01-02 |
Elbertus Frederikus | ∗ 1903-05-11 Apeldoorn † 1943-05-25 Neuengamme | - Initial resistance - Ondergrondse pers - Hoensbroek - Communists & Sympathizers - He spent his youth in Zutphen, his places of residence in South Limburg were Brunssum and Hoensbroek (from 1931). According to the biography on heemkundehoensbroek.nl, he was a gardener during the … wall: middel, row 10-02 |
Albert | ∗ 1921-02-26 Valkenburg † 1943-08-12 Neukich | - Valkenburg - ✡ - 22 years old. Son of Daniel Cahn and Elise Cahn-Cahn. Source: Stichting Struikelstenen (Foundation … More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg |
Bertha | ∗ 1918-03-18 † 1942-11-19 Auschwitz (Oświęcim) | - Valkenburg - ✡ - 24 years old. Daughter of van Daniel Cahn and Elise Cahn-Cahn. Source: Stichting Struikelstenen … More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg |
Daniel | ∗ 1875-02-17 Valkenburg † 1943-05-14 Sobibor | - Valkenburg - ✡ - ⚭ Elise Cahn-Cahn, 68 years old. Children: Georges, More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg |
David Leo | ∗ 1923-12-07 Maastricht † 1942-08-14 Auschwitz | - Jews in resistance - Initial resistance - Groep Dresen - Maastricht - Ondergrondse pers - Jewish butcher’s son, residing at Lenculenstraat 9 in Maastricht. He belonged to the civilian branch of the Dresen group, which was mainly engaged in the distribution of illegal leaflets … u-01-02 |
Elise | ∗ 1887-04-24 Lechenich † 1943-05-14 Sobibor | - Valkenburg - ✡ - ⚭ Daniel Cahn, 56 years old. Children: Georges, More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg |
Georges | ∗ 1915-06-20 Valkenburg † 1944-03-31 Midden-Europa | - Valkenburg - ✡ - 28 years old. Son of Daniel Cahn and Elise Cahn-Cahn Source: Stichting Struikelstenen (Foundation … More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg |
Karel | ∗ 1881-08-04 Valkenburg † 1943-05-14 Sobibor | - Valkenburg - ✡ - 51 years old. Source: Stichting Struikelstenen (Foundation Stumbling Blocks) Valkenburg [1], Wikipedia [2] More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg |
Louis | ∗ 1878-08-30 † 1943-05-14 Sobibor | - Valkenburg - ✡ - 64 years old. Source: Stichting Struikelstenen (Foundation Stumbling Blocks) Valkenburg [1], Wikipedia [2] More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg |
Rosa | ∗ 1879-10-16 Valkenburg † 1944-09-06 Auschwitz (Oświęcim) | - Valkenburg - ✡ - Widow of S. Jacobs. 64 years old. Source: Stichting Struikelstenen (Foundation Stumbling Blocks) Valkenburg [1], Wikipedia [2] More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg |
Jean-Michel Jean | ∗ 1891-04-28 Maastricht † 1945-02-13 Natzweiler, Außenkommando Daut | - Initial resistance - Aid to Jews - - Schin op Geul - Verzetsherdenkingskruis - Jean was registered at the civil registry as Johannes Michael and grew up in Schin-op-Geul. He was employed by the French railway company Wagons Lits and he was, with the help of his entire family, … u-01-02 |
Frans Alexander Frans | ∗ 1921-10-18 Valkenburg † 1944-12-20 Buchenwald | - Forced Labor - Valkenburg - Unorganized resistance - Frans Cobbenhaegen was a post official in Valkenburg, unmarried, arrested (date unknown) in Cologne for smuggling letters to the Netherlands. He passed through the camps of Amersfoort, … More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg wall: right, row 27-01 |
Frits | ∗ 1929-06-10 Dinslaken † 1942-08-31 Auschwitz (Oświęcim) | - Valkenburg - ✡ - 12 years old. Berkelstraat 15, Valkenburg Source: Stichting Struikelstenen (Foundation Stumbling Blocks) Valkenburg [1], Wikipedia [2] More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg |
Rosel | ∗ 1925-07-20 Dinslaken † 1942-08-31 Auschwitz (Oświęcim) | - Valkenburg - ✡ - 17 years old. Berkelstraat 15, Valkenburg. Source: Stichting Struikelstenen (Foundation Stumbling Blocks) Valkenburg [1], Wikipedia [2] More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg |
Herman | ∗ 1936-06-09 † 0000-00-00 | - Valkenburg - People in hiding - ✡ - Survivors - Brought into hiding in Bunde, together with his brother Robby (Moos) Cok, later in Amsterdam. Rescued in the Tienschuurstraat by Käthe Flachs from … |
Moos Robby | ∗ 1937-11-13 † 0000-00-00 | - Valkenburg - People in hiding - ✡ - Survivors - He and his brother Herman Cok were brought into hiding in Bunde, later in Amsterdam. Saved in the Tienschuurstraat by |
Cok-De Wilde,
Eva | ∗ 1916-03-11 Leeuwarden † 1942-09-10 Auschwitz (Oświęcim) | - Valkenburg - ✡ - Married to musician Machiel Cok from Amsterdam. She sang as Amy Cok in the dance palace Pavillon in Valkenburg. Source: |
Albert S. | ∗ † 1944-09-15 Strucht (Valkenburg) | - Old Hickory - Valkenburg - Albert S. Cook, Service Nr 20458289, Staff Sergeant 30th Inf. Div., 117th Inf. Reg., 3th Battalion M-Company † Grachtstraat, Strucht, Valkenburg-Houthem [1.1] The following text and … More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg v-01-01 |
George | ∗ 1924-10-19 Valkenburg † 1988-11-21 | - Knokploegen (K.P.) - Valkenburg - Survivors - He was the third member of the KP (fight team) Valkenburg. The KPs in South Limburg were later merged, headquarters in Ulestraten. Even Sittard cooperated, although they did not participate in … More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg t- |
Anna Maria Johanna Annie | ∗ 1924-06-05 Voerendaal † 2005-08-22 Heerlen | - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Civil Servants - Couriers of the Resistance - Valkenburg - Survivors - Women in the resistance - Photo: Annie in the distribution office. Family archive. Annie Cremers forged documents for the people in hiding at the so called Municipal Distribution Office of … More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg t- |
Henricus Hein(z) | ∗ 1904-01-10 Montfort † 1979-06-27 Geleen | - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Civil Servants - Valkenburg - Survivors - Photo from the Cremers family archive, published on Rundsje Vallekeberg, March 21, 2018. Biographical details about Heinz Cremers, who was called Hein in Valkenburg, can be found on his … More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg t- |
Wielke | ∗ 1910-07-12 Heerlen † 1950-08-20 Valkenburg | - Couriers of the Resistance - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Valkenburg - Survivors - Women in the resistance - Sister of Gerda Cremers and sister-in-law of Pierre Schunck. He wrote about her: “Then I assigned Ms … More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg t- |
Jean Marie Jan | ∗ 1909-01-01 Venlo † 1945-03-09 Mauthausen | - Initial resistance - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Pilots’ helpers - Venlo - Jan Dael was, among other things, a hotel clerk, a driver, and a cook before finally finding his vocation in the bookstore and library De Boemerang on Geldersepoort. He was the father of six … wall: right, row 27-05 |
Leopold Franciscus Leo | ∗ 1907-09-12 Venlo † 1945-03-01 Mauthausen | - Initial resistance - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Pilots’ helpers - Venlo - Leo Dael was a trained car mechanic. Before his marriage to Henriette Hostermans, he was given a car by his father to start his own cab service. Leo and Henriette had four children between 1929 … wall: right, row 28-01 |
Isidor | ∗ 1878-05-13 † 0000-00-00 | - People in hiding - ✡ - Valkenburg - Survivors - Lived Oude Valkenburgerweg 32B. In hiding in Nieuwenhagen, address unknown. Source: 42 Joodse Valkenburgers opgepakt en vermoord (42 Jews from … |
Ruth | ∗ 1922-05-30 † 0000-00-00 | - People in hiding - ✡ - Valkenburg - Survivors - Lived Oude Valkenburgerweg 32B. In hiding in Nieuwenhagen, address unknown. Source: 42 Joodse Valkenburgers opgepakt en vermoord (42 Jews from … |
Sophie | ∗ 1882-05-31 † 0000-00-00 | - People in hiding - ✡ - Valkenburg - Survivors - Lived Oude Valkenburgerweg 32B. In hiding in Nieuwenhagen, address unknown. Source: 42 Joodse Valkenburgers opgepakt en vermoord (42 Jews from … |
Leo | ∗ 0000-00-00 † 0000-00-00 | - Valkenburg - Unorganized resistance - Survivors - Leo Dahmen is one of many examples of spontaneous resistance without which organized resistance would have been impossible. It is unknown whether he did more. Pierre Schunck, who at the time did … More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg |
Karel Joseph | ∗ 1917-10-10 Hoensbroek † 1943-03-02 KZ Sachsenhausen, Oranienburg | - Ondergrondse pers - Initial resistance - Group Smit - Hoensbroek - In his younger years he was active in the youth movement. When he was drafted into military service, he was a casual laborer. From September 2, 1937 with the 3rd Mounted Field Artillery … wall: middel, row 13 |
Theodorus Theo “Hans” | ∗ 1901-03-19 Amsterdam † 1944-09-05 Dieren, gem. Rheden | - Initial resistance - Knokploegen (K.P.) - Ondergrondse pers - Pilots’ helpers - Nijmegen - Limburg + - Photo: Oorlogsdoden Nijmegen 1940-1945 [2] In his civil profession, Theo Dobbe was a chief representative and active throughout the Netherlands. In the southern … u-01-02 |
Kaspar | ∗ 1908-08-02 Weiden (D) † 1984-09-01 Heerlen | - Unorganized resistance - Valkenburg - Survivors - Kaspar Donners was the farmer of the Koningswinkelhof in Valkenburg, a traditional mixed farm. Neighbor of Pierre Schunck. Immediately joined in … More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg |
Wallace E. | ∗ 1923-03-16 † 1944-09-16 Valkenburg-Houthem | - Hell on Wheels - Valkenburg - Wallace Edgar Doss, Army Serial Number 33529918 Tec5 = Technician 5th Grade, 41st Armored Infantry Regiment, E Company The following text and the photo are taken from the book Valkenburg 80 … More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg v-01-01 |
Mans | ∗ 1905-12-10 Onstwedde † 1942-11-12 Neuengamme | - Initial resistance - Heerlen - Ondergrondse pers - Communists & Sympathizers - Worker in a factory, liaison man for the party newspaper De Waarheid. In the card index Limburg [1] of the CPN (Communistische Partij Nederland) his last name is written Dorst, but … wall: middel, row 06-01 |
Alphonse Henri Louis Alf(ons) | ∗ 1885-10-18 Luik † 1944-01-05 Fort Rhijnauwen, Bunnik | - Initial resistance - Erkens Group - Maastricht - Alfons Dresen was chief dispatcher in Maastricht at the Dutch Railway Company and as such he knew everything about train movements in his area. [1#6] Married, belonged to the resistance … wall: left, row 30-04 |
Pierre Marie Joseph Pierre | ∗ 1897-02-07 Maastricht † 1942-12-01 Neuengamme | - Initial resistance - Groep Dresen - Maastricht - Ondergrondse pers - Pierre Dresen was a resident of Maastricht, demobilized professional soldier (sergeant major in the infantry [1]), temporary cashier of the distribution service, founder of the Dresen group, … wall: left, row 31-01 |
E. | ∗ 1884-04-17 † 0000-00-00 | - People in hiding - ✡ - Survivors - Valkenburg - From Den Haag. Hiding address Broekhem 22 Source: 42 Joodse Valkenburgers opgepakt en vermoord (42 Jews from Valkenburg arrested and killed) |
Hesselina (Liena) | ∗ 0000-00-00 Druten † 1942-08-31 Auschwitz (Oświęcim) | - Valkenburg - ✡ - Daughter of Hessel Jonas Drielsma and Esther Polak ⚭ Isaak de Jong, 43 years old. Source: Stichting Struikelstenen (Foundation Stumbling Blocks) … More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg |
Camille Michel Joseph Guido Guido “Kamiel” | ∗ 1915-09-27 Berlin-Pankow † 1943-02-11 Hauptlager Neuengamme | - Ondergrondse pers - Groep Dresen - Geulle - Guido Droitcourt had a German mother and a French father and was born in Berlin. At the age of 20 he came to Geulle with his mother, her husband and his half-brother. In July 1941 the first … wall: middel, row 04-02 |
Duijnkerke /Duynkerke,
Jan Marinus Jan | ∗ 1902-10-25 Yerseke † 1943-03-04 Neuengamme | - Initial resistance - Groep Dresen - Maastricht - The barge master Jan Duynkerke usually transported cement in the Netherlands and abroad with his boat Maria, but also refugees. The home port of the Maria was the old harbor of … wall: left, row 31-02 |
Leib (Mojzesz Leib) | ∗ 1890-03-05 Debesiawki PL † 1942-10-22 Auschwitz (Oświęcim) | - Valkenburg - ✡ - ⚭ Maria Goldberg. The childless couple comes from Houthem to Valkenburg and lives there from November 25, 1935 on Guascostraat. 52 years old. … More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg |
Paulus Anthonius Tom | ∗ 1902-01-30 Purmerend † 1945-04-27 KZ Mauthausen-Ebensee | - Ondergrondse pers - Groep Dresen - Initial resistance - Maastricht - Paulus Anthonius (Tom) Engeln, a shopkeeper and leather goods manufacturer living in Maastricht, was of German descent and divorced from a German wife, Betsy Wanger, with whom he had three … wall: middel, row 14-02 |
Nicolaas Egidius Nic "van der Maas" | ∗ 1894-10-10 Maastricht † 1943-10-09 Fort Rhijnauwen (prov. Utrecht | - Initial resistance - Erkens Group - Maastricht - Sittard - Intelligence - During the First World War, Nic Erkens too had been mobilized and at the end he was discharged as an officer. Between the wars, he worked at the Hustinx tube company in Liège, where he met his … wall: right, row 18-03 |
Henricus Hubertus | ∗ 0000-00-00 † 0000-00-00 ? | - NSB - Valkenburg - German Front Soldiers - Four young men from Valkenburg did not have German citizenship, but joined the German army voluntarily.The baker Henricus Hubertus Essers (*1916) who used to live on Wilhelminaan … |
Eurelings ,
Martin Noël Martin | ∗ 1912-12-25 Schimmert † 1945-03-17 Diez an der Lahn | - The clergy - Forced Labor - Initial resistance - After his priestly studies in Roermond, Martin Eurelings became parish vicar (assistant parish priest) in Nevers (F) [1]. There he was arrested on January 19, 1942. [2] u-01-02 |
Johannes Hendrikus Jan | ∗ 1917-05-03 Oosterhout (Valburg) † 1944-07-21 Leusderheide | - Initial resistance - Knokploegen (K.P.) - Ondergrondse pers - Aid to Jews - Nijmegen - Limburg + - Jan Evers ran a car repair shop, was married and father of one child. They lived in Nijmegen. He began typing and distributing illegal newspapers, including Vrij Nederland, in 1941 [1.1]. … u-01-02 |
Antoine Pierre Marie Antoine | ∗ 1918-07-15 Rotterdam † 1942-05-11 Oranienburg | - OD trial of Maastricht - Initial resistance - Intelligence - Antoine Fauchey fought at the Grebbeberg in May 1940 as a reserve cavalry sergeant. He was arrested on September 14, 1941 on suspicion of espionage (Book of the Dead Oranjehotel [7]) as a result … u-01-02 |
Henriëtte | ∗ 0000-00-00 † 0000-00-00 | - Valkenburg - People in hiding - ✡ - Survivors - From the Nieuweweg in Valkenburg. Dook met haar man Marcel Samuel eerst onder in boerderij Wimmers te Oud-Valkenburg later in Bruisterbosch. Source: 42 … |
Marcel Samuel | ∗ 0000-00-00 † 0000-00-00 | - Valkenburg - People in hiding - ✡ - Survivors - From Source: 42 Joodse Valkenburgers opgepakt en vermoord (42 Jews from Valkenburg arrested and killed) |
Käthe | ∗ 0000-00-00 † 0000-00-00 | - Unorganized resistance - Aid to Jews - Valkenburg - Survivors - Women in the resistance - Rescued the children Moos and Herman of her Jewish friend t- |
Adèle Jan Gerard Ger | ∗ 1889-02-25 Oirsbeek † 1945-03-29 KZ Allach, Dachau | - Initial resistance - Netwerk Bongaerts - Aid to Jews - Oirsbeek - Verzetsherdenkingskruis - At the request of Rector Voesten from Heerlen, the municipal secretary A.J.G. Fleischeuer from Oirsbeek helped Jews. Voesten probably belonged to both the group around wall: right, row 02-05 |
Aaltje | ∗ 1916-12-22 † 0000-00-00 | - Valkenburg - People in hiding - ✡ - Survivors - From Source: 42 Joodse Valkenburgers opgepakt en vermoord (42 Jews from Valkenburg arrested and killed) |
Alfons Hubert | ∗ 1887-05-11 Valkenburg † 1976-03-06 Valkenburg | - Valkenburg - Survivors - Owner of the Hotel Franssen. The Limburgsch Dagblad of May 8, 1962 [1] wrote that he had something to do with the resistance (but what?). His hotel was confiscated by the German army. … More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg |
Jan | ∗ 0000-00-00 † 0000-00-00 | - Police - Valkenburg - Survivors - Jan Franssen was chief of the Marechaussee (later Rijkspolitie) in Valkenburg. On June 7th, 1946 he wrote a report on occupation and liberation at the request of the mayor, More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg |
Freysen /Freijsen,
Wilhelmus Agathus Petrus Willem | ∗ 1914-09-29 Breda ? | - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Civil Servants - Valkenburg - Survivors - Verzetsherdenkingskruis - To hide the manipulations by him and his colleagues (Victor Willems and More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg t- |
Hilde | ∗ 0000-00-00 † 0000-00-00 | - Valkenburg - People in hiding - ✡ - Survivors - From Source: 42 Joodse Valkenburgers opgepakt en vermoord (42 Jews from Valkenburg arrested and killed) |
Mozes | ∗ 1871-08-29 Burgbrohl † 1943-06-11 Sobibor | - Valkenburg - ✡ - ⚭ Setta Lambert, 71 years old. Source: Stichting Struikelstenen (Foundation Stumbling Blocks) Valkenburg [1], Wikipedia [2] More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg |
Alice | ∗ 1935-01-22 Voorburg † 0000-00-00 | - Valkenburg - People in hiding - ✡ - Survivors - From Source: 42 Joodse Valkenburgers opgepakt en vermoord (42 Jews from Valkenburg arrested and killed) |
Theo | ∗ 0000-00-00 † 0000-00-00 | - Valkenburg - People in hiding - ✡ - Survivors - From Source: 42 Joodse Valkenburgers opgepakt en vermoord (42 Jews from Valkenburg arrested and killed) |
Alice | ∗ 1901-12-22 Herne (D) † 1945-01-21 Auschwitz (Oświęcim) | - Valkenburg - ✡ - Lived with her non-Jewish husband Theo and daughter Alice (not deported) at the address Guascostraat 3 with the Heijnen family. She was the last to be arrested, on September 3rd, 1944, just one and … |
William | ∗ 0000-00-00 † 1944-10-17 Valkenburg | - Hell on Wheels - Valkenburg - Jan Diederen writes in Mijn oorlog en bevrijding: “Mrs. Huntjens, who was living at the time on Nieuweweg, saw four soldiers being killed … More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg v-01-01 |
van Jacobus A. Jacques | ∗ 1906-09-15 Hoge Mierde † 1987-05-06 Weert | - The clergy - Aid to escaped POW’s - Pilots’ helpers - Initial resistance - Couriers of the Resistance - Survivors - Heythuysen & Leudal - Cammaert schrijft: Neeritter, geestelijke. Pater Van Gestel raakte in een vroeg stadium betrokken bij de hulp aan Franstalige krijgsgevangenen en bracht enkele belangrijke … t- |
Joseph Mathis Renier Jo | ∗ 1909-09-06 Linne † 1944-04-05 Bergen Belsen | - Ondergrondse pers - Initial resistance - Brunssum - Group Smit - The primary school teacher Jo Giebels was a member of the Smit group. The cost of the weapons purchases was met with the proceeds from the sale of photographs of the royal family. The British … wall: left, row 05-03 |
Jules Ghislain Hubert Joseph Jules | ∗ 1897-03-31 Noville-les-Bois † 1943-10-09 Bunnik (Utrecht) | - Initial resistance - Erkens Group - Intelligence - Belgium - Jules Goffin was not a resistance fighter in the Dutch province of Limburg, but was in close contact with them and therefore also appears on this list. While studying during World War I, he … u-01-02 |
Maria | ∗ 1900-11-20 Nürnberg † 1944-02-11 Auschwitz (Oświęcim) | - Valkenburg - ✡ - ⚭ Leib Eisenberg. The childless couple comes from Houthem to Valkenburg and lives there from November 25, 1935 on Guascostraat. 43 years old. … More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg |
Frits /Fritz | ∗ 1918-07-09 Rheydt (D) † 1942-08-15 Oświęcim /Auschwitz | - ✡ - Initial resistance - Maastricht - After their marriage, the parents of Fritz Goldsteen moved to Kohlscheid near Aachen, where they opened a fabric store. The children Alfred [1] and Carl were born there. In 1909 or 1910 … wall: left, row 31-03 |
Bertha | ∗ 1880-10-07 Brussel † 1942-10-01 Auschwitz (Oświęcim) | - Valkenburg - ✡ - ⚭ Jacques Samuel, 61 years old. Source: Stichting Struikelstenen (Foundation Stumbling Blocks) Valkenburg [1], Wikipedia [2] More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg |
Ferdinand | ∗ 1897-10-10 Geilenkirchen † 1944-03-31 Midden-Europa | - Valkenburg - ✡ - ⚭ Johanna Baum. Neerhem 45, Valkenburg. Son of Adolf Gottschalk and Maria Anna Frenkel. Source: Stichting Struikelstenen (Foundation Stumbling … More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg |
Rudi | ∗ 1926-03-29 Geilenkirchen † 1944-03-31 Midden-Europa | - Valkenburg - ✡ - 17 years old. Neerhem 45, Valkenburg. Source: Stichting Struikelstenen (Foundation Stumbling Blocks) Valkenburg [1], Wikipedia [2] More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg |
van der Abraham Cornelis | ∗ 1897-06-24 Dordrecht † 1967-11-12 Heerlen | - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Aid to Jews - Valkenburg - Survivors - Abraham Cornelis van der Gronden came as a baby on November 6, 1897 from Dordrecht to Vlissingen, the birthplace of his mother, see civil registry card Vlissingen [1]. On 29 May 1906 to … More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg t- |
van der Gerrit Jan Gerrit | ∗ 1895-12-13 Dordrecht † 1943-01-02 Neuengamme | - Ondergrondse pers - Communists & Sympathizers - Aid to Jews - Initial resistance - Maastricht - Valkenburg - On November 6, 1897, at the age of almost two years, he moved with his parents and siblings from Dordrecht to Vlissingen, his mother’s birthplace, see civil registry card Vlissingen [1]. On … More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg wall: right, row 26-03 |
de Jozef Geurt Jef | ∗ 1916-09-13 Heerlen † 1979-10-30 Heerlen | - Initial resistance - Ondergrondse pers - Netwerk Bongaerts - People in hiding - Intelligence - Knokploegen (K.P.) - Dutch Soldiers - Survivors - Heerlen - De data van geboorte en sterven van Sjef / Jef de Groot staan op zijn bidprentje [1] Tijdens de oorlog was hij ambtenaar van de staatsmijnen in Heerlen. [2] Cammaert schrijft over … t- |
Simon Petrus Simon “Jan” | ∗ 1924-05-15 Alkmaar † 1944-09-20 Sevenum | - Initial resistance - Ordedienst (O.D.) - Sevenum - Simon Petrus Groot was an office worker. The farm Rust Roest of the Groot family in Sevenum was a stronghold of resistance activities during the war. His cousin, also named Simon, was the … wall: right, row 14-03 |
van Gerard Catharinus Gerard | ∗ 1918-10-12 Utrecht † 1942-05-11 Oranienburg | - OD trial of Maastricht - Initial resistance - Ordedienst (O.D.) - Students - Ondergrondse pers - Gerard van Grootheest was the local leader of the Amersfoort chemical service [7] and a student of indology at the RU in Utrecht [4]. He distributed banned printed matter and supported … u-01-02 |
Johannes Hendrikus Johan | ∗ 1918-10-01 Gennep † 1944-09-08 Kamp Vught | - Knokploegen (K.P.) - Peace Carillon - Gennep - Johan Guelen spent his entire life living in Gennep [1#4][1#5] and was a machinist in the Paper Gennep (PaGe) mill. [2]. He belonged to the sabotage group KP-Noord Limburg (KP Gennep … wall: left, row 10-03 |
Jozef | ∗ 1895-01-21 Nadwórna, Ukraine † 1942-08-31 Auschwitz (Oświęcim) | - Valkenburg - ✡ - Deported from Koningswinkelstraat number 7, 47 years old. Source: Stichting Struikelstenen (Foundation Stumbling Blocks) Valkenburg [1], Wikipedia [2] More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg |
M.J. (Sjef) | ∗ 1921-08-23 Schaesberg † 1944-04-18 KZ Sachsenhausen, Oranienburg | - Initial resistance - Group Smit - Schaesberg - Verzetsherdenkingskruis - Miner at the Oranje-Nassau IV, arrested on February 2, 1942, sentenced to prison. Died of the consequences of the bombing of Oranienburg (Cammaert Chapter II: Appendix V, Arrests in the Smit … u-01-02 |
Dirk Izak Dirk | ∗ 1909-02-17 Dreischor † 1943-04-03 Neuengamme | - Ondergrondse pers - Initial resistance - Groep Dresen - Maastricht - After his demobilization as a soldier in 1940, Dirk Hage became a customs officer with the rank of hulpkommies and found some like-minded people in the Caberg (Maastricht) customs office. He … wall: middel, row 17 |
O.D. | ∗ Shelby Co. TN † 1944-09-18 Valkenburg | - Hell on Wheels - Valkenburg - StSgt (Staff Sergeant) O.D. Hamby, Service ID 14016408, 2nd Armored Division, 66th Regiment, 2nd Battalion, E Company Bronze Star, Purple Heart (USA). Croix de guerre 1939-1945 … More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg v-01-01 |
Gerardus Hendrikus Harry | ∗ 1920-06-11 Sevenum † 1993-02-14 Venray | - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Local contacts - Ondergrondse pers - Aid to escaped POW’s - Aid to Jews - Survivors - Sevenum - Gulpen - Harry Harrie Hanssen was rayon leader of the L.O. in Sevenum. Married to Maria Jacoba (Koos) Boots, died 1996. [1] Cammaert writes: One of the leaders of the L.O. in the region. … t- |
Chester | ∗ 0000-00-00 † 1944-10-17 Valkenburg | - Hell on Wheels - Valkenburg - Jan Diederenn writes in Mijn oorlog en bevrijding: “Mrs. Huntjens, who was living at the time on Nieuweweg, saw four soldiers being … More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg v-01-01 |
Joseph Lodewijk Jef | ∗ 1905-01-30 Valkenburg † 1945-01-07 ? | - Valkenburg - German Front Soldiers - NSB - Four young men from Valkenburg did not have German citizenship, but joined the German army voluntarily.The miner Joseph Lodewijk Heijnens (*1905), who formerly lived on … |
Bertha | ∗ 1885-07-08 Hoof (Nordhessen) † 1943-05-14 Sobibor | - Valkenburg - ✡ - ⚭ Josef Benedik, 57 years old. Source: Stichting Struikelstenen (Foundation Stumbling Blocks) Valkenburg [1], Wikipedia [2] More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg |
Mathilde | ∗ 1876-06-25 Hoof (Nordhessen) † 1943-05-14 Sobibor | - Valkenburg - ✡ - Widow of B. Benedik, 66 years old. Source: Stichting Struikelstenen (Foundation Stumbling Blocks) Valkenburg [1], Wikipedia [2] More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg |
Theodoor Thei | ∗ 1904-03-03 Beegden † 1944-11-15 Herkenbosch | - Forced Labor - Beegden - Thei Heltzel was a farmer. On Sunday October 8, 1944, he fell victim to one of the church raids that took place on that day throughout the area in … wall: middel, row 01-02 |
Hendrikus Fredericus Harrie “Hein” | ∗ 1920-02-20 Gennep † 1944-09-08 Vught | - Gennep - Knokploegen (K.P.) - Leather processor. He and his brother Jan belonged to the sabotage squadHe was a member of the sabotage group KP-Noord Limburg (KP Gennep & Oeffelt). … wall: left, row 11-01 |
Johannes Jacobus Jan | ∗ 1915-07-21 Gennep † 1944-09-08 Vught | - Gennep - Knokploegen (K.P.) - Jan Hendriks was a typesetter and a member of the sabotage group KP-Noord Limburg (KP Gennep & Oeffelt). The resistance group took action, among other things, against black market traders. Arrested … wall: left, row 10-04 |
Johannes Jacobus Jan “Ambrosius” | ∗ 1917-02-02 Venlo † 1945-05-03 Oranienburg, KZ Sachsenhausen | - Aid to escaped POW’s - Initial resistance - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - People in hiding - Aid to Jews - Peace Carillon - Venlo - Jan Hendrikx studied in Nijmegen and was involved in student resistance there before returning to Venlo and becoming a teacher. [1], p. 576 In 1940, J.J. Hendrikx … wall: right, row 28-04 |
G. Hub | ∗ 1909-02-15 Sittard † 1970-11-26 Heerlen | - The clergy - Group Smit - Valkenburg - Initial resistance - Survivors - Hub Hennekens was ordained priest on March 13, 1937, was vicar in Berg en Terblijt from September 1937, vicar in the parish of Sts . Nikolaas & Barbara in Valkenburg from May 1939, parish priest … t- |
Piet (Petrus Antonius) | ∗ 1888-08-27 Zwolle † 1971-04-26 Utrecht | - Valkenburg - Mayors - Survivors - Was mayor of both Valkenburg and Houthem since 1917 and from 1935 also of Oud-Valkenburg. On October 1, 1940, so in the first year of the German occupation, the municipality of Valkenburg-Houthem … More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg |
Alfred | ∗ 0000-00-00 † 0000-00-00 | - Valkenburg - People in hiding - ✡ - Survivors - From Source: 42 Joodse Valkenburgers opgepakt en vermoord (42 Jews from Valkenburg arrested and killed) |
Gustaaf | ∗ 1893-02-17 † 1970-07-05 | - Valkenburg - People in hiding - ✡ - Survivors - From Source: 42 Joodse Valkenburgers opgepakt en vermoord (42 Jews from Valkenburg arrested and killed) |
Clara | ∗ 1891-11-22 † 0000-00-00 | - Valkenburg - People in hiding - ✡ - Survivors - From Source: 42 Joodse Valkenburgers opgepakt en vermoord (42 Jews from Valkenburg arrested and killed) |
van Antoon Gerrit Guillaume Tom | ∗ 1923-11-09 Geleen † 1945-02-24 Neuengamme | - Geleen - Forced Labor - Students - Unorganized resistance - Tom van Hilten was a student [1#1] and an office worker. [1#3] He had evaded mandatory labor service in Germany, but was picked up in a raid in 1942 or 1943 and taken to … wall: left, row 10-01 |
Curt/Kurt | ∗ 1900-08-16 Breslau † 1943-08-23 Blechhammer (Auschwitz) | - Valkenburg - ✡ - 43 years old. Source: Stichting Struikelstenen (Foundation Stumbling Blocks) Valkenburg [1], Wikipedia [2] More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg |
Franciscus Hubertus Joannes Frans | ∗ 1901-11-16 Berg en Terblijt † 1960-12-18 Maastricht | - Valkenburg - Survivors - Frans Hoffman [1] was a barber and photographer. Most of the photographs taken during the liberation of Valkenburg are by him. Many of them can be seen on the We Do Remember 75 page of the … |
Emma | ∗ 1870-04-13 Mühlheim † 1943-04-23 Vught | - Valkenburg - ✡ - ⚭ Servaas Soesman. Berkelstraat 15, Valkenburg. 73 years old. Source: Stichting Struikelstenen (Foundation Stumbling Blocks) Valkenburg [1], … More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg |
Jacob Guillaume Jacques | ∗ 1922-03-01 Born † 1945-05-03 Neuengamme ? | - Raad van Verzet (RVV) - People in hiding - Forced Labor - Geleen - The miner Jacques Houben from Born probably worked in the nearby Staatsmijn Maurits in Geleen. In his file at the OGS he is listed as a tailor. [1#2] It was/is not unusual for people to work in … u-01-02 |
van Johannes Franciscus Jan | ∗ 1908-10-17 Valkenburg † 1945-02-22 KZ Neuengamme | - Initial resistance - Forced Labor - Valkenburg - Jan van Hout was a professional cyclist from 1932 to 1940. When he was eight years old, he moved to Eindhoven with his parents. In 1932 he set a new Dutch hour record (42.282) in Tilburg and on … More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg u-01-02 |
Edmond Marie Hubert Ghislain Henri (Ed)Mond | ∗ 1901-10-18 Maastricht † 1944-11-24 Neuengamme | - Initial resistance - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Maastricht - Intelligence - Edmond Houtappel was a wine merchant and ran a wholesale grocery store at Wolfstraat 8 (Fa. Wed. R. W. Hustinx, Koffiebranderij, groothandel in koloniale waren). Captain of the Reserve in the … wall: left, row 32-02 |
Willem Laurens Wiel | ∗ 1911-03-22 Helden † 1990-10-13 Venlo | - Civil Servants - Initial resistance - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Knokploegen (K.P.) - Aid to escaped POW’s - Aid to Jews - Pilots’ helpers - Survivors - Helden - Foto met dank aan het documentatiecentrum De Moennik en André Hanssen De ouders van Wiel Houwen hadden een bakkerij. Blijkbaar heeft Wiel daar ook gewerkt, want het Limburgsch Dagblad … t- |
Edgar | ∗ 0000-00-00 † 1994-02-22 | - Valkenburg - People in hiding - ✡ - Survivors - From Source: 42 Joodse Valkenburgers opgepakt en vermoord (42 Jews from Valkenburg arrested and killed) |
Tijmen Bastiaan Tijmen | ∗ 1891-02-14 Groningen † 1942-05-11 Oranienburg | - OD trial of Maastricht - Initial resistance - Ordedienst (O.D.) - Photo: Books of the Dead, Oranjehotel [13] Tijmen Bastiaan Huurman was an engineer at Kondor and a first lieutenant in the reserves [1] The following information about his military career … u-01-02 |
Jacob | ∗ 1919-08-10 Blokzijl † 1942-12-31 Spytkowice | - Valkenburg - ✡ - 23 years old. Source: Stichting Struikelstenen (Foundation Stumbling Blocks) Valkenburg [1], Wikipedia [2] More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg |
Karel Père Hugues /Pater Hugo | ∗ 1900-11-17 Antwerpen † 1943-10-09 Bunnik (Utrecht) | - The clergy - Initial resistance - Aid to escaped POW’s - Ondergrondse pers - Erkens Group - Intelligence - Belgium - He was not a resistance fighter in the Dutch province of Limburg, but was in close contact with them and therefore also appears on this list. His resistance activity began by helping escaped … u-01-02 |
Salomon | ∗ 1921-05-07 Blokzijl † 1943-01-15 Spytkowice | - Valkenburg - ✡ - 21 years old. Source: Stichting Struikelstenen (Foundation Stumbling Blocks) Valkenburg [1], Wikipedia [2] More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg |
Henri Louis Joseph Harrie “Bergmans” | ∗ 1912-10-05 Venlo † 1997-02-05 Panningen | - The clergy - Aid to escaped POW’s - Pilots’ helpers - Aid to Jews - Initial resistance - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Survivors - Heythuysen & Leudal - The photo on the right and the dates of birth and death can be found on his In Memoriam card, which was provided by the chairman of the local history association OOS NAER in Neer. The photos below … t- |
Jacobus Everhardus Jacques/Jacob | ∗ 1904-02-09 Nijmegen † 1944-08-11 Vught | - Initial resistance - Pilots’ helpers - Roermond - Nijmegen - Jacob Janssen was a branch manager of the grocery chain EDAH in Roermond and a member of the resistance group Oranje Vrijbuiters. [1] His code name was Jacob, his call … wall: right, row 05-04 |
Joseph Jean Elise Sjef | ∗ 1923-01-13 Heerlen † 1943-03-29 Hamburg-Neuengamme | - Initial resistance - Group Smit - - Heerlen - Sjef Janssen was an office employee of a mine [1#1], a member of the Smits group and of the international resistance group and escape line Dutch-Paris [2], as were his uncle Joseph … wall: left, row 15-05 |
Everhardus Lippe Jelle Evert | ∗ 1916-10-09 Heerlen † 1943-05-29 Siegburg (D) | - Ondergrondse pers - Forced Labor - Geleen - Evert Janssens was an office worker at State Mine Maurits in Geleen and lived at Annastraat 8. [2#3]. He had moved from Schaesberg to Geleen on August 30, 1941. Cammaert donne les … wall: left, row 09-03 |
Leonard F | ∗ 1919-03-15 Colbert Co, Al Valkenburg-Houthem | - Hell on Wheels - Valkenburg - Leonard Ford Johnson, SN 14039539 StSgt 41st Armored Infantry Regiment F Company The following text is taken from the book Valkenburg 80 jaar bevrijd (Valkenburg 80 Years … More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg v-01-01 |
de Isaak | ∗ 1888-05-06 Mijdrecht † 1942-08-31 Auschwitz (Oświęcim) | - Valkenburg - ✡ - ⚭ Liena Drielsma,54 years old. Source: Stichting Struikelstenen (Foundation Stumbling Blocks) Valkenburg [1], Wikipedia [2] More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg |
Frank W. | ∗ 1920-08-15 Perth Amboy, NJ † 1944-09-17 Houthem | - Hell on Wheels - Valkenburg - Tsgt Frank W. Kmak, SN 12049694 2nd Armored Division 41st Armored infantry Regiment G-Company The following text is taken from the book Valkenburg 80 jaar bevrijd (Valkenburg 80 Years … More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg v-01-01 |
Klaas | ∗ 1913-06-01 Scheemda, Gr | - Police - Belgium - Ondergrondse pers - Pilots’ helpers - Survivors - Geulle - Gegevens van geboorte en sterven het echtpaar Koers-Brouwer vindt u op geni.com. [1] Van Klaas zijn tot nu toe alleen de geboortegegevens bekend. De rijkspolitieman Klaas Koers was … t- |
Frieda | ∗ 1914-10-08 Rozniatov † 1943-07-23 Sobibor | - Valkenburg - ✡ - Muntstraat 9, Valkenburg. Daughter of Ester Weinreb. 28 years old. Source: Stichting Struikelstenen (Foundation Stumbling Blocks) Valkenburg [1], … More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg |
Lambert Bèr | ∗ 1902-02-06 Maastricht † 1942-06-22 Bernburg (Neuengamme) | - Ondergrondse pers - Initial resistance - Maastricht - Communists & Sympathizers - Lambert Kraft was a representative for vacuum cleaners. In the municipal elections in Maastricht on June 14, 1939, he headed the list of the CPN (Communists). They achieved 5.18%. [1] On … wall: left, row 33-03 |
Kornelis Kees | ∗ 1887-03-30 Hoogezand † 1944-03-02 Helmond | - Initial resistance - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Aid to Jews - Forced Labor - Helden - Peace Carillon - Kees Krans and his wife bought in 1938 the Bovensbos farm in Helden. [1] At the beginning of the war, they housed a Jewish family in an underground hiding place just a stone’s throw from … wall: left, row 20-05 |
Willem Christiaan Albert Willem | ∗ 1896-01-16 Amersfoort † 1942-05-11 Oranienburg | - OD trial of Maastricht - Intelligence - Initial resistance - Architect Willem Kroes is referred to as Herman Kroes in the Book of the Dead of the Oranje Hotel [10], but as his file with the Oorlogsgravenstichting (War Graves Commission) indicates, that was … u-01-02 |
Petrus Josephus Maria Peter | ∗ 1918-02-01 Zaandam † 1942-05-11 Oranienburg | - OD trial of Maastricht - Initial resistance - Intelligence - At the beginning of the war, Petrus Kuntz was a sergeant-capitulant [8] (non-commissioned officer who voluntarily remained in service after his compulsory military service.[1]) with the … u-01-02 |
H.P.August Guus | ∗ 1913-05-02 Oud-Valkenburg † 1972-09-23 Houthem | - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Civil Servants - Valkenburg - Survivors - Guus Laeven from Houthem was during the war deputy head of the population department of the municipality of Valkenburg-Houthem. [1] Towards the end of the war, with the help of t- |
Setta | ∗ 1880-10-24 Nichenich † 1943-06-11 Sobibor | - Valkenburg - ✡ - ⚭ Mozes Friesem. Before their deportation they lived at Gustaaf Hertogs on Wilhelminalaan 44. 62 … More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg |
Jo | ∗ 0000-00-00 † 0000-00-00 | - Knokploegen (K.P.) - Valkenburg - Survivors - After a while, a K.P also emerged in Valkenburg. It initially consisted of two men, the teachers Jeng Meijs and Jo Lambriks. Meijs had Jacques … t- |
de Amandus Marie Joseph Alphons Armand “André” | ∗ 1906-04-17 Venlo † 1945-03-02 Buchenwald | - Initial resistance - Aid to escaped POW’s - Belfeld - Armand de Lauwere (× Peters, Maria Jakobine, ∗ 16-06-1906, Viersen, D) had moved to Belfeld in August 1932 and lived at Julianastraat 10. He was a bookkeeper at the N.V. Nederlandse … wall: left, row 04-01 |
Paul Leon Willem Antoon Paul | ∗ 1921-02-28 Voerendaal † 1945-04-29 Dora-Mittelbau (Nordhausen) | - Initial resistance - Group Smit - Voerendaal - Ondergrondse pers - Forced Labor - Paul Leclou attended the MTS (Secondary Technical School). Cammaert writes about the situation in Voerendaal in 1940: Former soldiers like Th.G.H. Treuen, L.A. Vlemmings, C. … wall: right, row 34-04 |
Hendrik Theodorus Henk | ∗ 1924-04-15 Maastricht † 1945-04-07 Makkum | - People in hiding - Initial resistance - Groep Dresen - Knokploegen (K.P.) - Maastricht - Henk Lemson was a tax official (direct taxes, Maastricht). [1] He belonged to the so called Belastinggroep Maastricht (A resistance group of mainly tax officials who continued the work … wall: left, row 32-04 |
Liedekerke de Pailhe,
de Raphael R.E.J.G. | ∗ 1903-04-15 Eijsden † 1943-10-09 Fort Rhijnauwen, prov. Utrecht | - Aid to escaped POW’s - Pilots’ helpers - Initial resistance - Erkens Group - Intelligence - Eijsden - Belgium - In May 1940, Raphael de Liedekerke fought in the Belgian army. After returning from captivity, he was demobilized as a reserve lieutenant in the Belgian Army. He was a member of the De … wall: left, row 08-02 |
Franciscus Gerardus Pierre Frans | ∗ 1918-05-03 Venlo † 1944-09-12 Eindhoven | - Police - Knokploegen (K.P.) - Geleen - Pierre Linders was a policeman in Geleen. In early 1944 he was transferred to Eindhoven, where he joined a resistance group that, among other things, transported weapons for the underground, … wall: left, row 09-04 |
Josephus Stephanus Hendricus Jo “Thijs” | ∗ 1901-02-05 Rotterdam † 1945-02-11 Neuengamme | - Aid to escaped POW’s - Initial resistance - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Aid to Jews - Pilots’ helpers - Ondergrondse pers - Peace Carillon - Maastricht - Jo Lokerman was train driver with the Dutch Railways [1] and the district leader of the LO in Maastricht. Unusual in the south of the Netherlands at that time: this district leader was not only … wall: left, row 32-05 |
Lopes de Leaô Laguna,
Jacob | ∗ 1901-10-21 Amsterdam † 1942-05-11 Oranienburg | - OD trial of Maastricht - Intelligence - Initial resistance - Jews in resistance - Ordedienst (O.D.) - Jacob Lopes de Leaô Laguna was a factory manager and a reserve captain. He was one of the many demobilized Dutch soldiers who, after the surrender on May 10, 1940, would not and could not comply … u-01-02 |
Mechteldis Margaretha Maria | ∗ 1901-10-10 Roermond † 1968-07-23 Roermond | - Initial resistance - Aid to escaped POW’s - Pilots’ helpers - Aid to Jews - Ondergrondse pers - Women in the resistance - Survivors - Roermond - Source for birth and death dates: geneanet.org. [1] Mechteld Maessen was married to Jan Bronckhorst in 1927. They operated pub-hotel … t- |
Frank | ∗ 0000-00-00 † 1944-10-17 Valkenburg | - Hell on Wheels - Valkenburg - Jan Diederenn writes in Mijn oorlog en bevrijding: “Mrs. Huntjens, who was living at the time on Nieuweweg, saw four soldiers being … More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg v-01-01 |
van Arie Hendrikus Arie | ∗ 1920-03-05 Utrecht † 1999-05-06 Ottawa, Can | - Initial resistance - Aid to Jews - Ondergrondse pers - Survivors - Maastricht - The traveling salesman Arie van Mansum was a member of the orthodox reformed parish in Maastricht, which was remarkably principled and unyielding. His closest friends and acquaintances … t- |
Medenbach de Rooy,
van Johan George Alexander Johan | ∗ 1906-06-14 Djokjakarta † 1942-05-11 Oranienburg | - OD trial of Maastricht - Initial resistance - Johannes George Alexander van Medenbach de Rooy was an inspector at the life insurance company Nillmij and a first lieutenant in the general staff. At an early stage he had already a secret … u-01-02 |
Johan Coenraad Jan | ∗ 1919-09-05 Tandjong Pandang, Bi † 1942-05-11 Oranienburg | - OD trial of Maastricht - Intelligence - Initial resistance - Students - Jan Meijer was born in Tandjong Pandang, Billiton, in what is now Indonesia.[1] During mobilization he was an officer candidate in the Dutch navy with the rank of corporal, and … u-01-02 |
Meijer /Meyer,
Jean Zjang | ∗ 1905-02-12 † 1945-01-01 ~ Siemianowice (PL) | - Valkenburg - German Front Soldiers - He was one of the young men from Valkenburg who either had German citizenship or were stateless and therefore had to fight as conscripts in the German army. Born in Asche (Northeim, Lower … |
Sjeng | ∗ 0000-00-00 † 0000-00-00 | - Knokploegen (K.P.) - Valkenburg - Survivors - After a while, a K.P also emerged in Valkenburg. It initially consisted of two men, the teachers Jeng Meijs and Jo Lambriks. Meijs had Jacques … More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg t- |
Herta | ∗ 0000-00-00 † 0000-00-00 | - Valkenburg - People in hiding - ✡ - Survivors - From Source: 42 Joodse Valkenburgers opgepakt en vermoord (42 Jews from Valkenburg arrested and killed) |
Edmundus Johannes Eddy | ∗ 1919-01-26 Nijmegen † 1945-07-04 Nijmegen | - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Knokploegen (K.P.) - Dutch Soldiers - Limburg + - Initial resistance - Eddy Meulenberg was a conscript sergeant at the time of the surrender of the Dutch Army in May 1940. He was a member of the Nijmegen Knokploeg (combat group), together with his friends This person is not (yet?) listed on the walls of the chapel. |
Johannes pater Christofoor | ∗ 1895-11-16 Asten † 1945-03-10 Bergen-Belsen | - The clergy - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Venlo - Valkenburg - Father Christofoor was a member of the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts [1] (ss.cc.). He lived in the cloister on the Cauberg in Valkenburg. After vicar wall: right, row 29-02 |
Hendrik A.C. | ∗ 1886-03-28 Dinther † 1943-02-05 Neuengamme | - Initial resistance - Groep Dresen - Intelligence - Forced Labor - Maastricht - Hendrik Meulensteen was a shipping agent. His sons and a daughter sailed on barges. He and his wife ran her parents’ boatmen’s pub at Franschensingel. The regulars’ table or the back room … wall: left, row 34-02 |
Bernardus Marcus Bernard | ∗ 1887-07-30 Utrecht † 1942-05-11 Oranienburg | - OD trial of Maastricht - Initial resistance - Ordedienst (O.D.) - Ondergrondse pers - Photo: Linotype typesetting machine, Wikimedia → → … u-01-02 |
Arnoldus Maria Arnold | ∗ 1907-12-01 Overasselt † 1942-05-11 Oranienburg | - OD trial of Maastricht - Initial resistance - Until the surrender of the Dutch forces in May 1940, he was a “sergeant-telegraphist” in the Dutch Royal Navy. During the war he participated in obtaining intelligence data and built … u-01-02 |
Petrus Reinier Eduard Jozef Ed “Bas” | ∗ 1912-09-20 Sint Anthonis † 1985-08-28 Haelen | - Initial resistance - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Zwarte Plak - Aid to Jews - Pilots’ helpers - Ondergrondse pers - Survivors - Gennep - Schaesberg - After Ed Miedema was ordained a priest in 1938, he first became vicar in Ottersum and then from 1940-1950 at St. Martinus Church in Gennep. [1] In t- |
Henry E. Hank | ∗ 1917-12-02 Hubbard TX † 1944-09-17 Valkenburg | - Old Hickory - Valkenburg - PFC (private 1st class) Henry E. Morgan, Service # 38627405, Unit: 119th Infantry Regiment, 30th Infantry Division The most detailed research on Henry Morgan has been done by Jan … More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg v-01-01 |
Piet Père Étienne /Pater Stephanus | ∗ 1908-09-14 Bergen-op-Zoom † 1943-10-09 Bunnik (Utrecht) | - Ondergrondse pers - The clergy - Initial resistance - Erkens Group - Belgium - Petrus („Piet“) Johannes Cornelis Muhren was not a resistance fighter in the Dutch province of Limburg, but was in close contact with them and therefore also appears on this list. His … u-01-02 |
Anny | ∗ 0000-00-00 † 1997-12-10 | - Valkenburg - People in hiding - ✡ - Survivors - From Source: 42 Joodse Valkenburgers opgepakt en vermoord (42 Jews from Valkenburg arrested and killed) |
Lenie | ∗ 1925-03-11 † 0000-00-00 | - Valkenburg - People in hiding - ✡ - Survivors - From Source: 42 Joodse Valkenburgers opgepakt en vermoord (42 Jews from Valkenburg arrested and killed) |
Fredo | ∗ 0000-00-00 † 0000-00-00 | - Valkenburg - People in hiding - ✡ - Survivors - From Source: 42 Joodse Valkenburgers opgepakt en vermoord (42 Jews from Valkenburg arrested and killed) |
Gerd/Gert “Dutch” | ∗ 1932-01-05 Düren | - People in hiding - ✡ - Valkenburg - Survivors - The Nathan family (father Willy, mother Hilde Friesem and their sons |
Willy | ∗ 0000-00-00 † 0000-00-00 | - Valkenburg - People in hiding - ✡ - Survivors - From Source: 42 Joodse Valkenburgers opgepakt en vermoord (42 Jews from Valkenburg arrested and killed) |
Charles Joseph Charles | ∗ 1916-03-05 Kerkrade † 1944-01-18 AEL Groß-Beeren, Kreis Teltow | - Students - Forced Labor - Initial resistance - Valkenburg - Ondergrondse pers - Charles Nijst was a student at the Katholieke Economische Hogeschool (Catholic College of Economics) in Tilburg. [1] The no longer existing weekly newspaper Het Land van Valkenburg … More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg wall: right, row 26-04 |
van Harie | ∗ 1901-11-13 Hulsberg † 1989-10-26 Heerlen | - Local contacts - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Valkenburg - Survivors - t- |
van Ferdinand Marie Joseph Hubert Ferdinand | ∗ 1913-03-04 Maastricht † 1945-02-02 Sachsenhausen | - Maastricht - Initial resistance - On Oorlogsdoden Nijmegen [5] we read, that Ferdinand van Oppen was a lawyer and prosecutor. He studied law in Nijmegen (1932 - 1937) … Already in the first months of the occupation he, … u-01-02 |
van Jules Louis Antoine Jules | ∗ 1882-05-10 Maastricht † 1943-02-16 Vught | - Initial resistance - The clergy - Venlo - Dean Jules van Oppen was the first clergyman in Venlo and all of Limburg to pay for his resistance with death. After the German invasion on May 10, 1940, he opposed the German films that were shown … wall: right, row 30-04 |
Jozef Jean Gerard Jef | ∗ 1911-01-03 Eijsden † 1945-02-08 Vaihingen | - Eijsden - Initial resistance - Erkens Group - Intelligence - Jef Partouns was a laboratory assistant. Jean Arpots, Jef Partouns, and Jef Reintjens were three young men, one of whom worked for the Dutch railways. The three called themselves the Orange … wall: left, row 08-03 |
Peter Antonius Joseph Toon | ∗ 1916-06-20 Broekhuizenvorst † 1947-06-24 Venlo | - Initial resistance - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Netwerk Bongaerts - Pilots’ helpers - Aid to Jews - Aid to escaped POW’s - Intelligence - Broekhuizen/Tienray - Toon Peeters, popularly known as blacksmith Toontje, was a blacksmith and bicycle dealer. [1] Cammaert writes about him: In Broekhuizen and Broekhuizenvorst the … wall: left, row 04-05 |
Leon Marie Hubert Leo | ∗ 1914-07-01 Voerendaal † 1945-04-24 Bergen-Belsen | - The clergy - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Pilots’ helpers - Voerendaal - Gulpen - Vicar Leo Penders headed subdistrict 2 of the LO with the places Gulpen, Reymerstok and Wylré. (See map 45. Gulpen district: division into subdistricts. Cammaert VIb, p.693 [1] and … wall: left, row 12-01 |
Jan Mathijs Jan | ∗ 1908-10-11 Echt † 1962-01-25 Sittard | - Initial resistance - Ordedienst (O.D.) - Aid to Jews - Aid to escaped POW’s - Pilots’ helpers - Intelligence - BS (Domestic Forces) - Survivors - Echt - The picture on the right is from parlement.com [1] On July 1, 1936, Jan Peters was appointed principal of the Catholic boys’ school in Roosteren. During the war … t- |
Els Els | ∗ 1923-06-10 † 2005-12-14 | - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Couriers of the Resistance - Valkenburg - Survivors - Women in the resistance - Pierre Schunck wrote: Wielke Cremers and the Peusens sisters worked as messengers. [3] More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg t- |
Paulina Jacobina Gerardine Gerardine | ∗ 1926-02-23 Valkenburg † 2021-04-16 Valkenburg | - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Couriers of the Resistance - Valkenburg - Survivors - Women in the resistance - Pierre Schunck wrote: Wielke Cremers and the Peusens sisters worked as messengers. [3] More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg t- |
Christiaan Hubertus Josephus Chrétien | ∗ 1907-05-28 Eijsden † 1942-12-30 KZ Sachsenhausen, Oranienburg | - Initial resistance - Unorganized resistance - Aid to Jews - Eijsden - Chrétien Peussens was a fodder trader. Three members of the Peussens family from Eijsden, two brothers and a sister, had several independent connections to resistance fighters in Amsterdam. With … wall: left, row 08-04 |
Johannes Wilhelmus Wim | ∗ 1910-09-18 Lithoijen † 1978-08-10 Berg & Terblijt | - Initial resistance - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Civil Servants - Ordedienst (O.D.) - Netwerk Bongaerts - Ondergrondse pers - Aid to Jews - Pilots’ helpers - Survivors - Heerlen - Brunssum - Berg en Terblijt - On the occasion of his copper jubilee as mayor of Brunssum, the Nieuwe Limburg wrote on May 30, 1959: “After high school he attended the school for reserve officers of the … t- |
John C. | ∗ 1916-10-02 Springfield Illinois † 1944-09-17 Valkenburg | - Old Hickory - Valkenburg - John C. Reeves SN 36780426 Pfc 30th Infantry Division (Old Hickory), 119th Regiment, 1st Battalion, A Company The following text and the photo are taken from the book Valkenburg 80 jaar … More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg v-01-01 |
Robert Hubert Willem Robert | ∗ 1896-01-18 Maastricht † 1942-12-28 Dachau | - Initial resistance - The clergy - Maastricht - Robert Regout belonged to a wealthy family from Maastricht. [1] He was a Jesuit and legal scholar. In 1934, he received his doctorate from the University of Nijmegen on the doctrine of … u-01-02 |
Rennes / Renesse,
van Godert | ∗ 0000-00-00 Heteren † 1903-02-16 | - NSB - Valkenburg - Police - Survivors - On the genealogy page of the Van Rennes family we read that both forms of the surname … More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg |
Roks /Rocks,
Jan Joseph | ∗ 1883-05-21 Sibbe † 1944-03-03 Natzweiler-Struthof | - Initial resistance - Valkenburg - Erkens Group - Jan Joseph Rocks was a member of the early resistance group Erkens in Maastricht, co-owner of the guesthouse Samoshuis, next to Parkhotel Rooding of that time. Nic … More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg wall: right, row 27-02 |
Rooyackers /Rooijackers,
Wilhelmus Antonius Wim | ∗ 1918-03-13 Heerlen † 1944-09-05 Vught | - Police - Initial resistance - Aid to escaped POW’s - Knokploegen (K.P.) - Ondergrondse pers - Heerlen - Wim Rooyackers was a trade correspondent and a member of the mine police. Almost from the beginning of the war he was involved with prisoners of war who had escaped from German camps. [1][2#3] … wall: left, row 17-03 |
van Hubertus Andreas | ∗ 1893-03-09 Nederweert † 1981-11-24 Valkenburg | - Initial resistance - Police - Valkenburg - Survivors - Group Smit - Veldwachter (local policeman appointed by the municipality) in Valkenburg until december 1941. Was a member of the early resistance group around J.Smit in Heerlen. The earliest data on this group … t- |
Benediktus Hirschel Ben | ∗ 1926-03-03 Elburg † 1944-03-31 Midden-Europa | - Valkenburg - ✡ - 18 years old. Son of Levie Sajet and Grietje Weiniger. He was in the Westerbork transit camp … More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg |
Levie | ∗ 1890-06-24 Amsterdam † 1942-11-19 Auschwitz (Oświęcim) | - Valkenburg - ✡ - ⚭ Grietje Weiniger. From Elburg, where he was a rabbi for a short time in the twenties, he comes to Valkenburg with his wife and More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg |
Jacques | ∗ 1875-05-06 Liège † 1942-10-01 Auschwitz (Oświęcim) | - Valkenburg - ✡ - ⚭ Bertha Golstein, Nieuweweg 25, Valkenburg, 67 years old. Source: Stichting Struikelstenen (Foundation Stumbling Blocks) Valkenburg [1], Wikipedia … More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg |
Alphons Hendrikus Funs | ∗ 1917-11-06 Valkenburg † 1944-09-14 Valkenburg | - NSB - Valkenburg - Landwachter (Country guard, a kind of auxiliary police). He was shot by a group of revengeful boys who called themselves OD on September 14, 1944. … More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg |
van der Pieter Hendrik | ∗ 1919-07-10 Nijmegen † 1941-03-21 Nieuwenhagen | - Police - Initial resistance - Unorganized resistance - Nijmegen - Nieuwenhagen - Pieter Hendrik van der Scheer was a conscript from 1939 until the end of the war, assigned to the Vickers M.C. 3rd Bat. 19th Reg. IVth Infantry Division and took part in the … u-01-02 |
(Godfried Jozef) Paul | ∗ 1897-09-16 Vaals † 1952-09-18 Vaals | - Valkenburg - Mayors - NSB - Survivors - 1942-1943 mayor of Beek, 1943-1944 mayor Valkenburg-Houthem. His predecessor and successor was Piet Hens. |
Richard Leonard Arnold Richard | ∗ 1886-10-05 Roermond † 1942-05-03 Sachsenhausen (Oranienburg) | - OD trial of Maastricht - Intelligence - Initial resistance - Initial resistance - Roermond - Richard Schoemaker was a cadet at the Royal Military Academy from 1905 and active in various sports, especially fencing. In it he participated in the Olympic Games in London in 1908. He became … u-01-02 |
Marie Clotilde Hélène Hélène “Lèneke” | ∗ 1894-07-03 Kapelhof-Rekem (B) † 1945-07-11 Sankt Gallen (CH) | - Initial resistance - Erkens Group - Aid to escaped POW’s - Women in the resistance - Amby - Photo: Amiepedia [4] Hélène Schoenmaeckers came from a true resistance family. Her sister Adèle and her brother wall: left, row 01-02 |
Paul Fernand Cécile Ghislain Marie Jean | ∗ 1886-09-21 Amby (Maastricht) † 1945-04-21 Obrnice (Č) | - Aid to escaped POW’s - Aid to Jews - Pilots’ helpers - Initial resistance - Amby - Belgium - Paul Schoenmaeckers (“Jean”) from Amby (today a quarter of Maastricht) married Hélène Palmers on June 12, 1911 in Stevoort near Hasselt. From then on they lived in Rekem (Belgian … u-01-02 |
Peter Joseph Arnold Pierre “Paul Simons” | ∗ 1906-03-24 Heerlen † 1993-02-02 Kerkrade | - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Heerlen - Valkenburg - Aid to Jews - Intelligence - Survivors - BS (Domestic Forces) - Verzetsherdenkingskruis - Founder and leader of the “rayon” (subdistrict) of the L.O. in Valkenburg, under the alias of “Paul”. He was also a member of the ID18 … More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg t- |
Gerda | ∗ 1912-09-10 Heerlerheide † 2005-05-05 Valkenburg | - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Valkenburg - Survivors - Women in the resistance - As the wife of Pierre Schunck, she was constantly involved in his resistance work. In retrospect, we can not determine exactly the extent of her share anymore. But given the nature of their … More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg t- |
Willem Hubert Hubert | ∗ 1924-09-29 Houthem † 1941-11-23 Bolschekrepinskaja | - Valkenburg - German Front Soldiers - NSB - Four young men from Valkenburg did not have German citizenship, but joined the German army voluntarily.Hubert Senden, without profession and living in Vroenhof, died on November … |
Hendrik Servatius Jozef Hein | ∗ 1914-12-21 Vaals † 1945-05-03 Lübecker Bucht | - Vaals - Initial resistance - Unorganized resistance - Communists & Sympathizers - Hein Senster was a miner. Arrested on fair Monday, June 23, 1941, a year after the Germans invaded the Netherlands. He had organized a demonstration with a group of young people from Vaals. Then, … wall: right, row 25-06 |
Floyd L | ∗ 1909-01-13 Gilkey, Rutherford Co, NC † 1944-09-17 Valkenburg | - Hell on Wheels - Valkenburg - Private First Class Floyd L. Settless, SN 34593214 2nd Armored Division, 41st Infantry Regiment, D-Company [1] The following text is taken from the book Valkenburg 80 jaar bevrijd … More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg v-01-01 |
Jacob Jaap | ∗ 1918-07-14 Haarlem † 1942-05-11 Oranienburg | - OD trial of Maastricht - Initial resistance - Intelligence - Ordedienst (O.D.) - Students - Jaap Sickenga was a student of the Dutch language, a poet and a Dutch resistance fighter in the Ordedienst during the Second World War. He and his friend Hans Zomer [1], who had returned … u-01-02 |
Petrus Johannes Hubertus Jean | ∗ 1912-11-24 Baexem † 1988-03-02 Wanssum | - The clergy - Initial resistance - Aid to Jews - Aid to escaped POW’s - Pilots’ helpers - Survivors - Grubbenvorst - Weert - During the occupation, Jean Slots was vicar to parish priest Henri Vullinghs in Grubbenvorst and later in Weert. [1.1] In … t- |
Cornelis Hubertus Augustinus Hubert | ∗ 1892-08-27 Noorbeek; † 1943-10-09 Fort Rhijnauwen, prov. Utrecht | - Initial resistance - Erkens Group - Intelligence - Eijsden - Hub. Smeets was municipal secretary and brother of Alphons Smeets. Member of the Belgian intelligence group Luc, section Renkin, which was to … wall: left, row 08-01 |
Jan Hubertus Alphonse Jan | ∗ 1921-08-18 Eijsden † 2015-03-06 Eijsden | - Aid to escaped POW’s - Initial resistance - Erkens Group - Survivors - Eijsden - Jan Smeets was a son of the grower and merchant of fruit Alphons Smeets in Eijsden. He was involved in helping u-01-02 |
Michiel Hubert Alphonse Alphons | ∗ 1887-07-14 Mheer (L) † 1943-10-09 Fort Rhijnauwen, prov. Utrecht | - Aid to escaped POW’s - Initial resistance - Erkens Group - Intelligence - Eijsden - Alphons Smeets was a grower and merchant of fruit in Eijsden, neighbor and tenant of Raphael de Liedekerke, father of Jef and wall: left, row 07-05 |
Alex Klaas Lex | ∗ 1914-11-22 Diepenveen † 1942-05-11 Sachsenhausen | - OD trial of Maastricht - Initial resistance - Intelligence - Ordedienst (O.D.) - Maastricht - Photo: Book of the Dead 3, Oranjehotel Foundation [2]. Lex Smidt was a member of the rugby club ’t Gooi since November 1940. On its website [1] it is stated that he served as … u-01-02 |
Harmen | ∗ 1919-11-26 Harderwijk † 1942-05-11 Sachsenhausen | - OD trial of Maastricht - Ondergrondse pers - Intelligence - Initial resistance - Ordedienst (O.D.) - Maastricht - The source of the text below is mostly the English version of Traces of War. [1] The photograph is from the Death Book of the Orange Hotel. [4] Harmen Smink did his military service as … u-01-02 |
Joseph Sef | ∗ 1916-09-09 Roermond † 1942-09-17 Amsterdam | - Initial resistance - Group Smit - Police - Heerlen - Intelligence - Sef Smit from Roermond was before the war a professional sergeant in the 13th Infantry Regiment. [1] He chose after demobilization in July 1940 to join the police in Heerlen. He did not … wall: left, row 19-02 |
Gerard Frank Frank | ∗ 1919-08-29 Heerlen † 1944-04-04 Utrecht | - Initial resistance - Hulsberg - Students - Ordedienst (O.D.) - During the mobilization he was a cornet (= ensign) in the mounted artillery. Later, as a law student, he refused to sign the declaration of loyalty to the Germans and joined the resistance … More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg wall: left, row 24-04 |
Gerhard Lodewijk Robertus Gerard | ∗ 1922-06-23 Valkenburg † 1945-01-21 Auschwitz/Oświęcim | - Initial resistance - Jews in resistance - Valkenburg - Ondergrondse pers - Maastricht - Communists & Sympathizers - Student HBS (high school). Listed in the Honor Roll of Victims 1940 – 1945 [1], in the category resistance people. Moreover he had a Jewish father, Jacob Soesman. Mother: Christina … More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg wall: left, row 35-04 |
Servaas | ∗ 1855-01-22 Meerssen † 1943-05-26 Maastricht/Aachen? | - Valkenburg - ✡ - ⚭ Emma Horn, son of Ambrosius Lasarus Soesman and Jetta (Henrietta) Hertogs. Berkelstraat 15, Valkenburg. From Maastricht they went to Aachen, … More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg |
Charles | ∗ 1916-07-03 Heerlen † 1945-01-07 KZ Schömberg, KZ Natzweiler | - Ondergrondse pers - Initial resistance - Group Smit - Heerlen - Charles Spreksel was the son of Frans Spreksel, a builder, and Agnes Schepens. Since his demobilization he worked as chief window dresser at the Schunck department store in Heerlen. [4] At … wall: left, row 19-03 |
J. | ∗ 0000-00-00 † 0000-00-00 | - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Valkenburg - Survivors - maintained the relations to the other districts. More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg t- |
Johann | ∗ 1919-11-18 Haarlem † 1941-11-28 Taganrog | - Valkenburg - German Front Soldiers - NSB - Four young men from Valkenburg did not have German citizenship, but joined the German army voluntarily.Johann Stipdonk, a machine fitter born in Haarlem in 1919 and resident of … |
Heinz | ∗ 0000-00-00 † 0000-00-00 ? | - Valkenburg - German Front Soldiers - Heinz was one of the young men from Valkenburg who either had German citizenship or were stateless and therefore had to fight as conscripts in the German army. It was probably … |
Johannes Jozef Jan “Nicolaas” | ∗ 1919-12-21 Velden † 1956-01-09 Ede | - Police - Initial resistance - Local contacts - Knokploegen (K.P.) - Ordedienst (O.D.) - Aid to Jews - Aid to escaped POW’s - Pilots’ helpers - Survivors - Arcen en Velden - Venlo - Jan Theelen was born in Velden on December 21, 1919, a Sunday. Unless otherwise stated, this and the following data are taken from the article De oorlog die Jan Theelen … t- |
Antonius Gerardus Antoon | ∗ 1923-07-25 Maasbree † 1945-04-06 Buchenwald | - Initial resistance - Maasbree - The almost 18-year-old farmer’s son Antoon Timmermans was living with his parents in Maasbree when he was arrested, presumably on July 1, 1941, according to the NIOD. [1] His father wrote … wall: left, row 27-04 |
Peter Anthonius Franciscus Pierre “Père Tim” | ∗ 1891-08-13 Neer † 1975-04-19 Nancy | - The clergy - Aid to escaped POW’s - Pilots’ helpers - Aid to Jews - Initial resistance - Survivors - Heythuysen & Leudal - Pierre Timmermans was the central person on the escape route via Nancy. He was a member of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit (the Spiritans), an organization of French origin. [1] t- |
Hendrikus Hubertus Harrie | ∗ 1917-08-24 Heerlen † 1945-03-15 Hameln (D | - Ondergrondse pers - Initial resistance - Ordedienst (O.D.) - Police - Aid to Jews - Pilots’ helpers - Intelligence - Netwerk Bongaerts - Peace Carillon - Heerlen - Harrie - Harry --> Tobben was a former soldier and after his demobilization by the Germans in 1940 member of the mine police. Was involved, among other things, in acts of sabotage in the … wall: left, row 19-05 |
Theodorus Gerardus Johannes Peter Theo | ∗ 1914-07-24 Tegelen † 1942-09-17 Amsterdam | - Initial resistance - Group Smit - Voerendaal - The parental home of Theo Treuen stood at Maasstraat 43 in Steyl. He worked in the butcher shop Leenders in Voerendaal and during the pre-war mobilization he was a soldier, 2nd rgt. … wall: right, row 34-05 |
Robert B. | ∗ 1913-04-22 Anson County, NC, USA † 1944-09-15 Terblijt | - Old Hickory - Valkenburg - Staff Sergeant Robert Belk Vaughn, 30th Inf. Div., 117th Inf. Reg., 3rd Battalion, M Comp. + photo. [1] The following text is taken from the book Valkenburg 80 jaar bevrijd … More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg v-01-01 |
Christiaan Jacobus Christiaan “Lou” | ∗ 1887-07-27 Kesteren † 1945-01-17 Siegburg (D) | - Ondergrondse pers - Geleen - Ordedienst (O.D.) - Forced Labor - Former soldier and after his demobilization overseer in the state mine Maurits in Geleen. He was in contact with the OD group in Heerlen and Charles … wall: left, row 09-05 |
op de Johannes Hendrikus | ∗ 1919-02-23 Swalmen † 1948-06-20 Maastricht | - Valkenburg - Unorganized resistance - People in hiding - Police - Survivors - On the night of June 22, 1944, together with Den Haring, an NSB member, he was on guard at the Valkenburg distribution office. Was initiated into the plot. Afterwards went into hiding to deduce … More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg t- |
Douwe | ∗ 1917-10-08 Assen † 1943-01-04 Neuengamme | - Initial resistance - Groep Dresen - Pilots’ helpers - Maastricht - Douwe Verhagen was a professional sergeant in May 1940 at the enclosure dam. There the Dutch … wall: left, row 37-01 |
Petrus Martinus Pierre | ∗ 1894-08-23 Gennep † 1945-03-12 Buchenwald | - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Gennep - Photo: 1933 Pierre Verhasselt who traveled around on his motorcycle to sell his merchandise. [6] Fabric manufacturer [1#1], provided clothing and blankets, supported the L.O. … wall: left, row 10-05 |
Ludovicus Franciscus Loek | ∗ 1918-11-11 Amsterdam † 1942-05-11 Oranienburg | - Initial resistance - Knokploegen (K.P.) - OD trial of Maastricht - Loek Verstrijden was an assistant purchaser [1][4] and trade correspondent. Co-organizer of the knokploeg (battle group) around Theo Dobbep. This … u-01-02 |
van de Renier Hubertus Renier “Neer” | ∗ 1902-03-08 Neeritter † 1952-08-03 Roermond | - Pilots’ helpers - Aid to escaped POW’s - Initial resistance - Survivors - Heythuysen & Leudal - Renier van de Vin was born and raised in Neeritter, right on the Belgian border. As far as the L.O was concerned, Neeritter belonged to the rayon of Heythuysen in the district of Roermond. … t- |
Sam | ∗ 0000-00-00 † 1944-09-16 Valkenburg | - Old Hickory - Valkenburg - Sam Viviano was one of the six soldiers of the Old Hickory Division who were killed in action during the liberation of Valkenburg and its surroundings. More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg v-01-01 |
Lambertus Arnoldus Lambert | ∗ 1918-11-10 Breda † 1945-02-23 Dachau | - Ondergrondse pers - Initial resistance - Group Smit - Intelligence - Heerlen - Lambert Vlemmings was a former soldier and after his demobilization by the Germans in 1940 parcel deliveryman at Van Gend & Loos. At the beginning of the war, he distributed underground … wall: left, row 19-04 |
Huberta Leonie Maria Bertha | ∗ 1923-01-06 Amby † 1944-09-11 Opglabbeek (B) | - Women in the resistance - Belgium - Secret Army (B) - Amby - During World War II, four of the Vliexs sisters were in the Belgian resistance organization the Secret Army. Bertha was unmarried and worked as a nurse with the Red Cross. For more information, … u-01-02 |
Marie Hubertina Theodora Pia | ∗ 1920-05-18 Maastricht † 1944-09-11 Opglabbeek (B) | - Women in the resistance - Aid to escaped POW’s - Secret Army (B) - Amby - Belgium - The daily newspaper Het Belang van Limburg wrote on September 18, 2017 [1] under the title "The 9/11 of Opglabbeek": "Shot after an attack by resistance fighters on retiring Germans. In … u-01-02 |
Willem Louis Willem | ∗ 1889-02-19 Maastricht † 1942-05-03 Sachsenhausen | - Ordedienst (O.D.) - OD trial of Maastricht - Maastricht - Initial resistance - Willem Voncken completed the secondary school Bisschoppelijk College in Roermond. This was followed by military officer training at the KMA (Royal Military Academy) in Breda. At the start of the … u-01-02 |
Jacob Jacques “Van den Brink” | ∗ 1916-04-19 Emmer-Compascuum, Emmen † 2007-12-25 Delft, | - Civil Servants - Initial resistance - Aid to Jews - Pilots’ helpers - Ondergrondse pers - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Survivors - Maastricht - Data van geboorte en sterven zijn gevonden op genealogieonline.nl. [1] Jacques Vrij woonde in Maastricht. Cammaert schrijft in Het verborgen front (hoofdst. 4, §X. p.339 ff: … t- |
Joseph Hendrik Hubert Jos. | ∗ 1883-07-05 Echt (Limb.) † 1964-06-22 Utrecht | - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Valkenburg - Survivors - Jos. Vroemen started his career at the state railway company as a telegraph operator in Echt. In a sales contract he is mentioned as a railroad official from Echt on June … t- |
Hendrik Jacob Henri | ∗ 1883-09-14 Sevenum † 1945-04-09 Bergen-Belsen | - Initial resistance - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Aid to Jews - Pilots’ helpers - Zwarte Plak - The clergy - Grubbenvorst - Catholic parish priest of Grubbenvorst and building parish priest in Grashoek, studied musicology in Italy and the United States. He was known as a very open-minded and culturally enthusiastic … wall: left, row 11-03 |
Theodore Roosevelt | ∗ 1912-09-27 Flintstone, Maryland [1.1] † 1944-09-17 Geulhem [1.2] | - Hell on Wheels - Valkenburg - Ssgt (Staff Sergeant) Theodore Roosevelt Wallizer, SN 33388712 2rd Armored Division 41st Armored infantry Regiment From Allegany County, Maryland [2] The following text is taken from the … More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg v-01-01 |
Grietje | ∗ 1890-06-04 Amsterdam † 1942-11-19 Auschwitz (Oświęcim) | - Valkenburg - ✡ - ⚭ Levie Sajet. From Elburg, where her husband was a rabbi for a short time in the twenties, they come to Valkenburg with their More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg |
Ester | ∗ 1882-05-18 Dolina PL † 1942-11-09 Auschwitz (Oświęcim) | - Valkenburg - ✡ - Widow of E. Kopf, Muntstraat 9, Valkenburg. Mother of Frieda Kopf. 63 years old. Source: Stichting Struikelstenen (Foundation Stumbling Blocks) … More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg |
van Jan Pater Ferdinand | ∗ 0000-00-00 † 0000-00-00 | - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Valkenburg - The clergy - Survivors - As Father Ferdinand he was a member (and chief?) of the monastery on the Cauberg (sscc). Worked for the Resistance during the occupation. Involuntarily witnessed the “execution” of More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg t- |
Victor Benedictus Josephus Vic | ∗ 1910-03-20 Oud-Valkenburg † 1983-06-07 Oud-Valkenburg | - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - Civil Servants - Valkenburg - Survivors - Together with Willem Freysen and Annie Cremers he stole food stamps and other documents for the … More in our story Resistance in Valkenburg t- |
Johan Albertus Karel Johan “Willy v.d. Kerkhof” | ∗ 1913-02-27 Heerenveen † 1944-04-14 Heerlen | - Aid to People in Hiding L.O. - People in hiding - Pilots’ helpers - Gulpen - Johan Witteveen worked in his father’s textile store and lived in Heerenveen until 1942. Arrested and escaped in 1942. Went into hiding in Culemborg, where he helped crashed Allied airmen. Moved … u-01-02 |
Marinus | ∗ 1922-12-13 Emmen † 1944-10-28 Venlo | - Communists & Sympathizers - Ondergrondse pers - Forced Labor - Geleen - Marinus Witvoet was a miner from Lutterade, gemeente Geleen, who worked for the communist party newspaper De Waarheid. Arrested in Geleen on March 24, 1944. [1] He was imprisoned in the u-01-02 |
Egbert | ∗ 1917-09-07 Oldebroek † 1942-12-04 Neuengamme | - Initial resistance - Groep Dresen - Pilots’ helpers - Maastricht - In 1937, Egbert Wolf from Oldebroek (Gelderland) was called up for military service. After his training he was assigned as a sergeant to the 10th Infantry Regiment at Ede. The … wall: left, row 36-05 |
Zaicsek /Zaiczek,
Karl Karel “Koenen” | ∗ 1921-07-18 Pecsbanyatelep/Pécs † 1944-09-12 Sittard | - Geleen - Raad van Verzet (RVV) - Couriers of the Resistance - Karl Zaicsek’s parents moved from Hungary to Lindenheuvel in Geleen. It is not known when exactly Karl and his parents came to Geleen. All we know is that Karl’s father died on February 9th, … wall: middel, row 03-02 |
Johannes J. Hans | ∗ 1920-11-06 Probolinggo † 1942-05-11 Oranienburg | - Engelandvaarders - Ordedienst (O.D.) - Students - OD trial of Maastricht - Initial resistance - Intelligence - en u-01-02 |
Hendrikus Joseph Alphonsus Maria Hein /Harry | ∗ 1898-04-03 Rotterdam † 1942-07-27 Dachau | - Maastricht - The clergy - Initial resistance - Jesuit Harry Zwaans came to Maastricht in September 1940 as director of the Canisius Congregation. The chief of the municipal police in Maastricht wrote to the oorlogsgravenstichting (war … wall: middel, row 19 |